Example sentences of "to be [verb] in its [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A periodical reunion of the deaf of Great Britain and Ireland should always occur , and there is everything to be said in its favour .
2 At the moment their relationship was a weekend one , but both of them occasionally thought that the idea of marriage still had something to be said in its favour .
3 One of them died soon afterwards ; and the other one — I saw it myself-was so bad and its head so swollen up with the stings that it had to be supported in its stable by a kind of sling fixed to the roof . ’
4 A much-publicised gateau factory is to be built in its place .
5 This is why every family needs to be renewed in its relationships — both to one another and to God .
6 A good player has remarkable control over the instrument , and , though care needs to be exercised in its use owing to its obtrusive tone-quality , when not combined with other members of the ‘ heavy brass ’ family , composers ( with some notable exceptions ) are apt to be rather unenterprising in their handling of the instrument .
7 In every way , Henry V acted as if all that he did was to be lasting in its effects .
8 Nevertheless there is one area in which the Keynesian model leaves much to be desired in its treatment of aggregate supply .
9 He was armed , but the dragonrider observed with some interest the strange way in which the man held the sword in front of him at arm 's length , as though embarrassed to be seen in its company .
10 However , it needs to be understood in its context , and requires critical examination before it can be used to write History .
11 Although they are committed to individual advice work , they consider such work to be limited in its effectiveness .
12 Put that the other way round : a China that flunked this test would not only be seen to be throwing in its lot with Asia 's rogue regimes .
13 The first great series of races , and forerunner to Grands Prix , was the Gordon Bennett series , introduced in 1900 and it was a real test of a manufacturer 's skills , as the rules stipulated that all parts of each competing car had to be manufactured in its country of origin .
14 The 69 members of the Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation are in the final stages of deciding what standards and technologies , from those submitted , are to be included in its Software Integration Platform ( SIP ) .
15 It has to be put in its place .
16 Mages inscribed grimoires of the most potent spells to be enshrined in its libraries .
17 Both the strength and limitation of Fabianism is to be found in its tendency to examine the benefits of collectivism in terms of economic efficiency .
18 By consequentialist he means that the moral value or justification of any action is to be found in its consequences , and by eudaemonistic he means that actions are justified when , as a consequence of those actions , people get what they want or what they prefer .
19 This species is preserved in a soft shale , but one which allows for the skeletal anatomy to be preserved in its entirety .
20 The suppression of the truth is always a serious matter because what has to be substituted in its place can do even more damage .
21 The Army 's rolling three-phase military redundancy programme of 30 per cent between 1992 and 1995 has to be mirrored in its catering back-up .
22 Under League rules , the game had to be replayed in its entirety , and Tranmere lost , to suffer a mighty setback in their drive for promotion .
23 However , care needs to be taken in its use .
24 The History of Civilization series is to be reprinted in its entirety , beginning with four in 1993 .
25 First , while the efficient creation of wealth may be regarded as a high social priority , we also recognise individual and collective interests and values that ought not to be sacrificed in its pursuit .
26 Restrictive policies were introduced in all major countries in 1973 in response to the price acceleration of the mini-boom and the large wage claims that were beginning to be submitted in its wake .
27 But AEA Technology hopes that the government will allow the fuel to be used in its prototype fast reactor at Dounreay .
28 The temple is a structure specifically designed to house an icon as well as the mental images that are sought to be evoked in its presence .
29 HAVING long admired The Cricketers ‘ Who 's Who , edited annually by Ian Sproat , MP , I am pleased that The Cricketer is now and henceforward to be associated in its promotion with Lennard , the publishers .
30 It may well be the case that the very concept of adjudication as applied to disputes between private individuals will have to be modified in its application to litigation involving public bodies .
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