Example sentences of "to be [verb] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other words such as tacking , beating , heaving to are explained in this way .
2 He looked so dignified , so calm , so thankful to be gone from this world and from his troublesome son .
3 While Olivetti did say it was a joint decision with TA to manufacture the new line of products , it would appear to be based on several premises .
4 Some , however , were concerned about the nature of the play activities , almost all of which were seen to be based on some kind of violence .
5 It is very different , and as you can see has to be based on some knowledge or understanding .
6 A problem arises here : the company policies and procedures need to be based on some knowledge of employees ' willingness to move but asking the employees whether they are willing to relocate will not provide constructive answers unless those concerned can have answers to their questions based on hard facts — which are usually given in written policy statements .
7 Indeed a number of recent centralised initiatives , such as TVEI , seem to be based on this premise , although , as Harland ( 1985 ) points out , compliance can not simply be bought with the allocation of resources .
8 New economic strategy may well have to be based around this UDC , and could thus become one of partnership and cooperation between the city council and private firms .
9 There was no more to be said on that subject .
10 " Gentlemen , " interrupted the Collector , " it 's clear that the difference between you is a deeply felt and scientific one which none of us here are qualified for adjudicating To an impartial observer it seems that there 's something to be said on either side
11 The er the er it has to be said on this side I suspect that the brevity of that speech was quite welcome , only because er I think er a number of us were n't altogether sure how how much time we would , we would get in this er debate after the front bench speaks , speeches .
12 There are improvements that can be made but that 's to be said for all animal husbandry systems , from pets , to guide dogs for the blind , and every other every other type of system .
13 There is much to be said for this explanation .
14 There is much to be said in this writer 's view for the encouragement of service to the community in these and many other ways , and for the encouragement of individual responsibility and parental control of their children : but the Conservative vision is essentially one-dimensional .
15 Chair , I I think what needs to be said in this debate is something positive about the work that has come out of particularly Highfields , er and indeed to some extent Moat , in the past .
16 But in February 1955 France complained bitterly that the agreement had been infringed by the West German decision to make English the main foreign language to be taught in all schools .
17 For each key stage , programmes of study are to be drawn up specifying what pupils of different abilities are to be taught in each subject , and attainment targets set out specifying the knowledge , skills and understanding that they are expected to have acquired by the end of the stage .
18 Another lesson which will need to be taught in these surroundings concerns pebbles .
19 an agreed departmental policy on the sizes of teaching groups appropriate for the different modes of teaching used in different subject areas and the provision of sufficient staff hours for the modules to be taught in these ways ;
20 There is too much archaeology to be contained in any undergraduate degree or to be taught by any group of teachers .
21 To be recognized for some achievement in life lifted Dad immensely ; before Eva he had begun to see himself as a failure and his life as a dismal thing .
22 They walked down into the town , now concealed by darkness , despite regulations that lantern horns were to be displayed outside each house .
23 ‘ If it 's any comfort , I 've never known all the beds to be full , but we have to be prepared for any eventuality .
24 And he tells how the SAS photograph the layout of every room in royal residences to be prepared for any kidnap or siege drama .
25 Students need to be prepared for these careers which involve direct interaction with other EC member states .
26 In a context where design debate , narrowly conceived , seems to be meeting with little success in evaluating design 's social import , the questions raised — is design the means whereby we can shape future socio-technological systems to create a richer and more emancipated life or simply the often impotent agent of techno-economic systems ? — become a means to general design understanding .
27 He proposes to become a capitalist and a ship-insurer , but seems not to be meeting with much success .
28 If that decision is the right one , then the spirit can progress to the next lesson ; if the person gives in to temptation , then the spirit has to be faced with that choice again and again ( either later in that same life or perhaps in a future one ) until the right decision is reached .
29 In the case of summary proceedings for recovery of land , Ord 24 , r 4 , any person not named as a respondent may apply to be joined at any stage of the proceedings on the question whether an order for possession should be made .
30 Although the more generally noticed constructional shoreline features are the large sand and shingle formations , interesting minor features are to be observed on many beaches , among them beach cusps and sand bars , for the formation of which little or no longshore drift is necessary .
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