Example sentences of "to the [noun sg] [Wh pn] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was time when they had to bribe er , give some sort of er incentive to the foreman to give them a good time , then it was the shop stewards who would give the workers to the management who will do the o overtime .
2 When Stewart said the boom in consumer credit during the previous decade had been phenomenal and some said dangerous , the danger to which he was alluding was not to the consumer/borrower who might incur overindebtedness , but to the professional finance houses .
3 If you decide within one month of the issue of your Family Bond that you no longer wish to continue with the contract , you may return your Bond document to the Society who will refund your contributions .
4 However , the use of pig fat in the enfleurage process will be off-putting to the vegetarian who may have to forgo the pleasures of jasmine and tuberose or track down a supplier of the even more elusive vegetable oil absolutes .
5 Anyone expecting a baby around the end of April and going to the Sorrento who would like to share the hire of a specialised birthing tank to use in labour ?
6 AMPS are preference shares which are entitled to dividends determined in accordance with an auction process in which a panel of investors participate , the shares being transferred at a fixed price to the investor who will accept the lowest dividend .
7 They were the first television generation , being introduced to the man who would use television better than any other politician . ’
8 The laird , however , would have a short memory indeed if he did not feel a deep sense of gratitude to the man who could remove the spectre of this large indigent family becoming a charge upon his estate .
9 The ability of the politician to provide patronage , of whatever nature , was never more than a tool of management , and however useful it might be to the man who could supply it , patronage in itself did not remove the need for active and continuous management of the voters included within the interest .
10 His fingers were sweaty , his touch proprietorial , and all at once she wrenched free and turned to the man who 'd come to her assistance .
11 The National Health Service administrator may be critical of the doctor who is profligate in the use of equipment and resources and at the same time the doctor may resent having to' account for expenditure to the administrator who may lack the medical expertise to understand why such equipment and resources were used .
12 The residents will pay contributions to the landlord who will pay these to the council .
13 If the parties can not agree on the terms of the mortgage , application can always be made to the court who will settle the terms of the mortgage or direct that conveyancing counsel be appointed by the court to do so .
14 ( i ) Petition and a copy ( and an additional copy for the supervisor of a voluntary arrangement unless he is the petitioner ) and a further copy for the petitioner or his solicitor ; ( ii ) affidavit verifying the petition with a copy of the petition exhibited ( see section 9 below ) ; ( iii ) receipt for deposit of £240 paid to the official receiver ( Insolvency Fees ( Amendment ) Order 1990 ) -this sum can be paid to the court who will remit it to the official receiver ; ( iv ) affidavit of service of statutory demand ( if applicable ) ; ( v ) court fee : £45 .
15 Since the will is usually the only evidence the testator has left of his intentions , where doubts and ambivalences occur they must be resolved without recourse to the person who would have been best qualified to explain them .
16 That work is now contracted out to the person who used to do it .
17 If you 've seen it somewhere then can you call a reward of twenty five pounds offered to the person who can advise where the car is payment will be upon receipt of retrieving the vehicle .
18 I hope it will bring a few people along to the network who will stay for the music afterwards . ’
19 The Marshal would have liked to turn this problem over to the Captain who could have applied some brains to it .
20 But to the mother who used to hide her away , Katya is already a hundred per cent better .
21 What would you say to the lawyer who would analyse what you did and what many other doctors , I 'm sure , do every day , and would say , ‘ This looks like homicide — killing by injection . ’
22 Such undertakings will normally be unacceptable to the purchaser who may wish to dispose of part of the assets or reduce inherent costs by utilising existing central services such as its own accounts department .
23 The carp-fisher , with his array of matched stepped-up rods and bait-runner reels , electronic bleepers and burpers , needle and bobbin indicators — not to mention baits that require a degree in organic chemistry to fully understand — is no different to the Koi-keeper who must have the latest colour-enhancing food , all dancing filters and show-quality fish .
24 Refer patients to the physiotherapist who will assess each patient and teach them deep breathing exercises to improve respiratory efficiency .
25 Anyone else asking for information should immediately be referred to the manager who will take the responsibility of dealing with the enquiry .
26 The Cleansing Department are aware of this and suggest making a phone call to the department who will arrange to uplift the pet and remove it .
27 You would also be billed for help in rescuing a cat from a tree — you 'd be better off going to the RSPCA who will save your moggy cost-free .
28 Delay created by these reasons , both human and procedural , can prove extremely frustrating to the parties , most particularly to the plaintiff who will feel that delay amounts to a denial of justice .
29 This task will be easier if the plaintiff has been convicted of an offence under the Motor Vehicles ( Wearing of Seat Belts ) Regulations 1982 or the 1991 Regulations making the wearing of seat belts in rear seats by adults compulsory because that conviction will throw the onus on to the plaintiff who will have to show it was erroneous or irrelevant to discharge it .
30 This may be because the complaint has political overtones ; ( b ) the authority can call in any complaint it wishes to supervise ; ( c ) any matter not subject to a complaint may be referred to the authority who may investigate it .
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