Example sentences of "to the [noun prp] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , sleeping and being awake are controlled by a region of the brain that is not only close to the SCN but also exchanges large amounts of information with them .
2 This is incompatible with the constraints of a finite world and we are therefore opposed to the EC as presently constituted .
3 Once the SPR has been created you should use option 3.2.0 — Update SPR to add further details to the SPR and then use option 3.3.0 — Submit SPR , to submit the SPR .
4 In the same way that the agent will give you a package to the Canaries or go-as-you-please trek in the Himalayas , so the centre may attach an inquirer to a study visit to Sweden with 20 others or arrange a single stay in Peru .
5 The Spirit 's steering is sharp and super-sensitive , requiring no more than finger-tip control , in stark contrast to the Vauxhall that always feels meaty and firm , yet with a touch of on-centre slack .
6 Returning to the Rossiya and not daring to look at the men and women who stood and swayed beside him .
7 ‘ We thought it was stupid for him to fly all the way back to the UK and then find that we had a problem with Jones , ’ said Lions ' manager Geoff Cooke .
8 ‘ We thought it was stupid for him to fly all the way back to the UK and then find that we had a problem with Jones , ’ said Lions ' manager Geoff Cooke .
9 There is a rare Brittany breed which is very similar to the Guernsey and possibly formed the ancestral stock .
10 Once the SSR has been created you should use option 4.2.0 — Update SSR to add further details to the SSR and then use option 4.3.0 — Submit SSR , to submit the SSR .
11 But after the convention , he launched his campaign with a spirited bus trip from New York to the Midwest and quickly ran up a daunting lead in the polls and held it until the campaign 's end .
12 The Bosnian Muslims so far have not come to the UN and instead pleaded their case with US officials .
13 Read Mississippi Madness and Paddle to the Amazon and then read The Big Muddy and you will have three entirely different perspectives of the mighty Mississippi .
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