Example sentences of "to [Wh adv] he [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Grant 's face darkened as his memory flashed back to when he 'd stood before the fearsome incendiary device in the basement of Bethlehem House .
2 Edward 's brother-in-law became King Harold II , in 1066 , but he died later that same year at the Battle of Hastings , to whence he had travelled from Stamford Bridge in Yorkshire , where he had successfully defended against an invasion of Norwegians .
3 November 1876 , reported that on the previous Thursday evening , he had preached in the little church at Turnham Green , to whence he had walked from Isleworth .
4 They had an agent , they said , who lived close to where he had lived during the short period after his return from Canada .
5 I looked across to where he sat hunched like a crow over carrion , and thought what a cantankerous old sod he could be when he chose .
6 Again , unlike Carter , he left no one in any doubt as to where he wanted to go in policy terms .
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