Example sentences of "to [Wh det] we [verb] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Reg and I were most vitriolic about the risk to which we had been exposed and hoped that the Germans would be just as inefficient . ’
2 The news that Karen and I were married was made public at a buffet brunch given by Thomas and Lynn Carter to which we had been invited — or rather Karen had been invited , and had asked if it would be all right to bring me along .
3 This second stage is carried out in public speech to which we have been given the decoding key , and from our privileged perspective the success of the hypocrite has unfortunate consequences for the dupe .
4 I remember running on the rolling lawns of Kikuyu grass before dinner , the night noises of the exceptionally vocal African insect life striking up as it quickly grew dark , night unrolling from the ground upwards ; bullfrogs — in fact all manner of rana and bufo-frogs the size of a pair of roiled-up rugby socks , toads with great horned eyebrows , and tiny , reddish , darting amphibians , starting to howl , shriek , growl , and purr , a backdrop to our dinner on the terrace to which we have been summoned by the stirring , thrilling , beating of a gong hung from a pair of tusks .
5 This argument about the policy aspects of regionalism could be extended to cover different theoretical approaches to the basket of problems to which we have been referring .
6 I note that in two of the main authorities to which we have been referred on the substantive issues , Payne v. Lord Harris of Greenwich [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 754 and In re Findlay [ 1985 ] A.C. 318 , it seems to have been assumed without argument that this court had jurisdiction .
7 If we say we know something , a personal and responsible commitment to what we know is assumed in our claim .
8 Well you 've only got to go back to what we 've been discussing and Jesus
9 But I ca n't see in the long run that it would make any difference to what we 've been talking about , seeing who Maggie is .
10 We 've heard erm quite a lot of support from most of the Districts er and there 's been no er particular sort of opposition to what we 've been proposing er in those particular areas from any other source .
11 Well erm you know we 've had a lot of people come to us and say we 've qualified sales by telephone , I do n't present that a problem with that , but we have discovered people have not listened to what we 've been saying , even on the training course , when they go out there to sell the space they keep making appointments to go and see people to talk about advertising .
12 As to what we 've been doing — well — we had something of an adventure today . "
13 Now contrary to what we 'd been informed erm the problem occurred over the last couple of days and having spoken to the ladies in the laboratory , the problem has n't been purely on line five machine .
14 The period of calm after the year-end 1992 figures were out of the way and digested ended with a bang this week as Wall Street woke up to what we have been flagging over the past month — that estimates for IBM Corp 's first quarter performance were far too high , and that virtually no business was being done .
15 Wall Street yesterday finally woke up to what we have been saying since January — that IBM Corp sets its dividend for one quarter at a time , and that there is no guarantee that the level declared for fourth quarter 1992 will be maintained quarterly this year : market dealers in Europe say a rumour surfaced here yesterday morning that another cut may be coming .
16 ( Referring to whatever we have been discussing : hooliganism ; child abuse ; industrial unrest ; pollution — whatever has been in the news … )
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