Example sentences of "to [Wh det] be [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sixthly , a councillor ceases to be a member if he takes or holds any paid office or employment ( other than that of chairman ) , the appointment to which is made by the council .
2 It 's self evident Mr Deputy Speaker that this government is utterly unconcerned to carry out an obligation to which is bound by a treaty , freely entered into and the minister must answer the question of how he squares this inactivity with regulation nine three which obliges registration officers to take reasonable steps to obtain information about who should be eligible to appear on the electoral role .
3 It is tempting to regard the traditional criminal justice system , access to which is controlled by the familiar figure of the policeman , as typical of a sanctioning system of enforcement .
4 There was one rather large living-room , and a small bedroom , the door to which was covered by a curtain .
5 In a brief discussion of the use of tense in English and Brazilian academic abstracts , Johns ( 1991 ) points out that some verbs refer to what is stated in the academic paper itself ( these he calls indicative verbs ) , while other verbs refer to what was actually done in the research on which the paper reports ( these he calls informative verbs ) .
6 On the other hand , removal of a functional group interacting with a residue other than His197 should lead to a decrease in affinity for the H197A mutant compared with the wild type , analogous to what is observed for the parent compound CP 96345 .
7 The aim has been to produce pictorial representations of a complete set of valence molecular orbitals for as many molecules as possible and to relate them to what is observed in the experimental world .
8 As with the other conventional signs mentioned , the repetition of lines and the distortion of round wheels to indicate that a vehicle is moving bear limited relation to what is perceived in the real world and their meaning has to be learned .
9 I occasionally wonder whether anyone in Brussels listens to what is said in the House , but my right hon. Friends have made it clear that Britain can not accept any defence arrangement that would weaken NATO or the Atlantic alliance , and that we can not accept any declaration of intent or prior commitment to a single currency .
10 Linked to this is the way the lecturer refers to what is written on the board or the object of the demonstration — something that may be done verbally or visually .
11 Traditionally , the answer has been found in the study of the two main factors which were at issue in the years leading up to what is regarded as the moment of outbreak of war , the confiscation of the duchy of Aquitaine by King Philip VI of France in May 1337 .
12 And what I would like to ask in in this environmental age that we live in , for a benefit to the people on the A sixty one , for a vehicle every four point eight seconds instead of every three point five seconds , using your own figures , how can you justify and quantify the cost of the environmental damage that will be done to what is regarded as the finest visual attractive side of Harrogate .
13 Smell , too , is limited , probably to what is kept in the barn : horses , feed , manure , leather , and perhaps motor oil .
14 However , in the interests of Western European stability and its own financial position , the British government is perhaps still putting off the final offer — either British withdrawal or some form of power-sharing with catholic nationalists — in the hope of loyalists coming round to what is seen as a more reasonable position .
15 Such an approach may demonstrate to the satisfaction of some that no crime is involved , but it is surely most unsatisfactory to rest the response of the law to what is seen as a testing moral and philosophical issue on some semantic sleight of hand .
16 But resistance within the Treasury to what is seen as a potentially inflation-stoking measure could result in a delay allowing a consultative green paper before the December Budget .
17 It is n't safe to assume that the normal functions of a system are equivalent to what is lost after a lesion because the effects of a lesion may be masked by positive symptoms .
18 The mass inflow rate into the central cavity is small compared to what is lost by the bulge wind .
19 In the first place it is to be accepted that it is made in wide terms though it is not said that they are so imprecise that there is a doubt as to what is covered by the order .
20 That is the objection er the whole fundamental objection to what is proposed in the Bill as it is a centralising measure was shown quite clearly er er a a by the desire of the Home Secretary to increase his own power as when he intended to appoint the Chairman absolute impudence in my view er to suggest tha that he he should have had the power to appoint a chairman and although congratulations have now been er er poured upon him for withdrawing to wh what 's a position , I would sooner congratulate your er Your Lordships , er all of whom spoke in such a manner that it would have been impossible for the Home Secretary to have carried the measure through .
21 Nevertheless , it is worthwhile attempting to relate the NVC to what is known about the vegetation .
22 The Construction Industry Research and Information Association ( CIRIA ) has been given the responsibility of gathering together and adding to what is known about the risks .
23 In any case , the Marko of the epic poems bears little resemblance to what is known of the historical character whose name he bears .
24 However , the publishing business has recently become more competitive and it is now possible for songwriters to restrict the length of the assignment of copyright to what is known as a ‘ retention period ’ .
25 In order to explain the ideas that I and other people have had about how quantum mechanics may affect the origin and fate of the universe , it is necessary first to understand the generally accepted history of the universe , according to what is known as the " hot big bang model . "
26 CFCs contribute to what is known as the " Greenhouse Effect " .
27 ‘ Perhaps it would help if I were to relate all this to what is known among the micro-electronic geniuses as ‘ virtual reality ’ .
28 It gives no guidance as to what is meant by the concept of being reasonably available , yet it is not difficult to imagine circumstances in which there could be bona fide differences of opinion as to whether equipment or staff was reasonably available .
29 This could help to give substance to what is meant by the spiritual dimension , for both of them lived out the kind of character expressed in the middle column of Table 6.1 .
30 If you study the UKCC 's Code of Professional Conduct ( Appendix 1 ) you will see that the criteria for desired outcomes relates directly to what is expected of the registered nurse and health visitor .
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