Example sentences of "to [Wh det] [pers pn] have [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 With the failure of these discussions on economic union the Nordic states were left with the limited form of cooperation to which they had agreed in 1946 , and also with Uniscan , a loose , consultative structure they had entered into , albeit reluctantly , with Britain under the latter 's urging , but one which would involve little more than a multilateral attempt at coordinating economic policies .
2 Central banks agreed to buy or sell unlimited amounts of currency at points 1 per cent either side of their established par values , although the mere fact that they were prepared and willing to do this was often sufficient to limit the extent to which they had to intervene in practice .
3 The aim of science is truth , and , according to Lakatos , the methodology of research programmes provides the best means of assessing the extent to which we have succeeded in approaching it .
4 The increased qualified majority voting in the Council of Ministers , to which we have agreed in the treaty , means that we must have a way of keeping our national Parliaments better informed than they are at present .
5 The Oxford Polytechnic scheme is sui generis : the extent to which it has developed in a particular context of constraints and opportunities makes many of the decisions it has made and many of the systems it has adopted difficult to transfer to other institutional frameworks .
6 Geoffrey de Geneville outlived his two sons , Geoffrey and Peter , and died in 1314 , far from his native Champagne and full of years , at the Dominican priory of Trim , to which he had retired in 1308 .
7 In contrast to some other material , my essay ‘ The Claims of Basic English ’ , to which I had referred in my letter of 18 July 1944 , had reached him ; and I was much cheered by the fact that he expressed unqualified approval for it .
8 However , I reached my decision on the basis to which I have deposed in paragraphs 8 , 9 and 10 above .
9 Alas , I was only just beginning to be visually aware , but to the extent to which I have grown in such awareness over the years I believe it was Basil and Ruth who started to make me look and see .
10 All of the documents and reports to which I have referred in this chapter serve to throw light upon the contemporary primary school and to provide material upon which to speculate about future developments .
11 The House of Lords in that case was concerned with provisions in the Housing ( Homeless Persons ) Act 1977 which were in substantially the same terms as those to which I have referred in the Housing Act 1985 , as originally enacted .
12 It 's nothing compared to what we 've got in the house .
13 It is all down to what we have to do in our coming matches .
14 But the real the real glorious irony I think that cheers up erm psephologists like me , political analysists , is that in those May elections the Conservatives did dramatically well compared to what they 'd done in the general election .
15 Yep , that 's right ( at least according to what I 've coloured in so far ) .
16 Revise your lecture notes , if any , on the topic Try to relate the topic under discussion to what you 've heard in lectures .
17 You will also be held in respect of any particular area of your breakdown to what you have put in your original letter .
18 When she did return to her kingdom , what she saw was , inevitably , very small-scale and impoverished compared to what she had known in France .
19 Now , contrary to what he had said in The Economics , he acknowledged that this exchange could only be effected via market relations , i.e. ‘ petty-bourgeois economy ’ .
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