Example sentences of "to [art] [noun pl] and [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The softener will need to be connected to a waste and overflow pipe leading to the drains and will require its own electrical connection from a fused connection unit for the clock .
2 The Yorkes lived next door to the Shergolds and might have gleaned some scraps of information that he could wheedle out of Harriet .
3 4.4 The Distributor agrees to undertake an Annual Stock Count each year and shall supply details of stock figures to the Publishers and shall permit a representative of the Publisher to be present at the Stock Count should the Publisher so request
4 Any man who did not do his work could be reported to the police and might go to gaol for a week or so .
5 The dictates of self-preservation often ensured that the respectable young working woman dissociated herself from the known prostitute , since association with prostitutes rendered a woman 's character suspect to the police and could lead to her name being placed on the registration list .
6 The revelation of such information could jeopardize sensitive investigations essential to the nation 's security , could place at risk the lives of those who had come forward with their suspicions to the police and could undermine the efforts of the police to prevent or detect serious crime .
7 There he was to search the Scriptures and the writings of the early Fathers and write a book which would be distributed to the universities and would enable them to give their advice as to whether the Pope had authority to enable a man to marry his deceased brother 's wife .
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