Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As a result of Seb 's visit to the encampment a gipsy woman called to speak to Anna later that same day .
2 Professor Wendell must be a very methodical man ; he certainly would n't relish coming back to the chaos a fallen ceiling would create .
3 My initial reaction was to write back thanking him for his time etc and making a few followup points , but Ive come round to the idea a personal meeting might be nice : - ) )
4 My initial reaction was to write back thanking him for his time etc and making a few followup points , but Ive come round to the idea a personal meeting might be nice : - ) )
5 But I wish to relate to the council a particular episode , which I hope will convey something to those people who are perhaps still wavering erm , and whilst we all have principle stands on issues it behoves us as members to consider the views of our constituents and the sorts of things that take place in our wards .
6 However it was realised that upon the accession of the UK to the EC a disproportionate financing burden would fall upon that country .
7 The soft , thin mist gave to the foins a mysterious air .
8 To the fishkeeper a good retailer is worth his weight in gold .
9 Sharpe spurred towards the nearest Belgians , but before he could even get close to the battalion a French column burst out of the rye and the Belgians , without even firing a volley , turned and ran .
10 Shapton Limited and Lombard Holdings Limited have each disclosed to the Company a notifiable interest in accordance with the Companies Act 1990 derived from their respective shares registered in the name of Shuttleway .
11 John Davis brings to the school a varied background of knowledge , based in the fields of the medical sciences and communication skills .
12 The sea worsens , the waves rising in height , and to add to the misery a sleety rain starts to emerge from the wind .
13 In that anthology of bad taste , Fungus the bogeyman , he brings to the surface a whole range of socially-unacceptable obsessions and images , exposing them within the protective framework of humour .
14 It has , however , brought to the surface a dormant temptation evident in even the most illustrious of Mrs Thatcher 's predecessors .
15 Another electronic effect , pioneered for this story , and thereafter used in all subsequent Dalek serials , was the Dalek extermination effect-a very simple trick of opening a camera 's aperture too wide , thereby admitting in too much light , swamping the camera 's electronics and causing it to send back to the gallery a negative image .
16 In the great roles — his Tristan , his Otello — it seems to me he brings to the part a unique sense of musical phrasing .
17 They seemed to be breaking up , and to the west a different valley - the one we would descend into the next day — was filling with a luminous gold haze .
18 FROM THE Thames estuary to The Wash a sizeable amount of schools ' cricket is played .
19 The question of quantity used is obviously intimately related to the way a given individual finances his or her habit , a perspective which will be taken up in Chapter 7 .
20 In order to perform well , we must demonstrate to the Government a successful track record of increasing output from our plant and of reducing costs .
21 The line and infill technique imparts to the work a certain quality not unlike that of a woodcut or sometimes even stained glass and the effect can be most attractive .
22 The main medium for corporate PR is prestige advertising ( e.g. ICI 's ‘ pathfinders ’ which presents to the public a progressive image of the huge conglomerate ) .
23 One might point out that this morning he issued to the press a 20-page document which he still has not come to the House to answer for .
24 Benjamin Tappan ( Dem. , Ohio ) , 1844 : censured for leaking to the press a presidential message to the Senate .
25 In view of the approach taken by the courts to this implied term it is probably fair to regard it as imposing on the seller a separate obligation to pass to the buyer a good title to the goods .
26 The Bourgeois revolutions of 1905 and 1917 seemed to the optimists a natural development on the Russian road to a Western style constitutional state .
27 In relation to Somalia and the present litigation , the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has on three occasions responded to inquiries by solicitors and Mr. Richards has also conveyed to the court a further communication .
28 Moreover , if the moral judgment which we require to make is one which involves our own personal interest we might reasonably look to the relevant law as representing a less partial view of the matter than our own ; for , without attributing to the law a non-partisan impartiality at variance with most available knowledge about the actual political and legal processes , it might still happen to be less partial and more informed than we are when making judgments about cases which affect us closely .
29 Moving the special report , Section and Industrial Conferences and also President if I may , at the same time , moving motion one one one A on behalf of the C E C , rather than returning to the rostrum a second time .
30 While the courts are chary of ‘ trespassing upon the province of Parliament ’ , because of the doctrine of the supremacy of Parliament , it appears that Parliament is not so willing to accord to the courts a rightful province upon which Parliament should not trespass .
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