Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A RARE insight into the kindly nature of novelist Thomas Hardy has come to light , thanks to the efforts of a retired Dorset schoolmaster .
2 Dealings by persons who are connected in this fashion ( concert parties ) are treated as equivalent to the dealings of a single person .
3 In the late 1890s , for example , Ramsay MacDonald worked closely with J. A. Hobson on the Progressive Review , a liberal socialist journal which attacked ‘ Manchesterism ’ in the name of domestic social reform , while remaining ‘ keenly alive to the dangers of a powerful State , taken as an instrument of absolute control and adducing ‘ reasons of State ’ as an over-ruling principle of policy . ’
4 These have been falling in value , exposing the banks to the dangers of a shrinking capital base .
5 In the campaign , Kennedy pointed to the dangers of a growing recession and had pledged to " move America forward " .
6 As an alternative , radio versions are now available at economic prices ; these allow virtually unrestricted movement to the wearer , the signals being picked up by a special receiver which passes them on to the camcorder via a short cable connection .
7 Connected to the drains via a tundish and must discharge in a safe and visible place
8 In the course of the creation of the data file by the survey organisation — a very complex process — a computer error led to the omission of a significant amount of information .
9 SOCIAL service chiefs were yesterday urged to speak to the operators of a gipsy site before going ahead with redevelopment plans .
10 SOCIAL services chiefs were yesterday urged to speak to the operators of a gipsy site before going ahead with plans to redevelop it .
11 NOT only did the Kiwis get blown off the park at the Hong Kong Sevens by Fiji , but three gnarled members of their supporters club got taken to the cleaners in a local hostess bar .
12 Mr Humphreys also drew attention to the installation of a new magnetic body scanner at the Yarm Road Industrial Estate in Darlington .
13 The danger of toxic gases , such as carbon monoxide and sulphur hexafluoride , has led to the installation of a computerised gas-detection system in 60 homes .
14 Confusion sometimes arises over the use of the words ‘ book ’ and ‘ volume ’ , normally regarded as almost interchangeable , but taking on a special meaning , often indicated by the title-page , when applied to the make-up of a complete work .
15 Ultra-high purity titanium is critical to the manufacture of a wide variety of semiconductor devices and , allied to the other metals and alloys produced by Alta , offers further exciting growth opportunities in the coming years .
16 The different bodies mentioned in chapter 3 followed different routes to the objective of a free-labour world .
17 it also has something to do with her predominant yearning for an idyllic space which is similar to the yearning for a classical Golden Age .
18 ‘ Openness must be central to the policing of a democratic and pluralist society , ’ he said : all too often , the police had retreated behind ‘ one of many walls of silence , ’ giving one of a series of stock excuses to the press and public for refusing to disclose information .
19 They lived next to the church in a peaceful village .
20 Charles van Engen deals with the issue of the relationship of the Kingdom to the Church in a sensitive and scholarly way in his book The Growth of the True Church .
21 People attached to the church in a voluntary capacity are in a quasi-professional position ( e.g. SUNDAY SCHOOL BEAST 'S SHAME ; PERVERT RAN CLUB FOR KIDS ) .
22 In contrast to the idea of a comprehensive and static defence shield , Brilliant Pebbles envisaged the deployment in space of multitudes of robot vehicles equipped with sensory systems and having the preparedness to launch laser attacks at on-coming Soviet missiles .
23 In other words , Athens was still holding to the idea of a central Greek , religiously based land empire .
24 Thirdly , Franco and advisers such as his brother-in-law , Ramón Serrano Suñer , looking ahead to a post-war Spain and impressed by Italian and German precedents , were becoming increasingly attracted to the idea of a single-party and perhaps even totalitarian state .
25 However , in contrast to that of Hirtle , the analysis put forward here proposes that without to the idea of a prior position in time is not evoked , since otherwise the particle would be completely redundant and hence meaningless , which has been shown not to be the case .
26 I am attracted to the idea of a printed Directory of Committees in a number of parts :
27 One other type of statue is integral to the idea of a Doric temple , though not a part of it : the cult-statue within .
28 Linked to the idea of a personal God is the notion of God as an historical agent .
29 Mrs Thatcher told the Soviet minister yesterday that Britain is not opposed to the idea of a pan-European summit , but the participants must agree on how it will fit into the building of the ‘ new European architecture . ’
30 It was this group which brought Murat round to the idea of a new constitution and who co-operated with Napoleon in that masterpiece of enlightened despotism , the Constitution of Bayonne .
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