Example sentences of "to [noun prp] [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Glen Kirton , the FA 's assistant secretary , said that Les Walker , in charge of England security , and his Dutch opposite , Robert de Bakker , would be going to Sardinia soon to examine the situation .
2 You do n't need a line to God now to see the way things are going .
3 Benin turned back to Vasili then gripped the cassette in both hands and snapped it in half , allowing the tape to spill out on to the road .
4 ENGLAND boss Graham Taylor travelled to Italy yesterday to determine the availability of star exiles Paul Gascoigne , David Platt and Des Walker .
5 Mrs Cross flew back to Manchester yesterday to break the news to her sons Andrew , 11 , and Richard , 12 , who attend a boarding school in North Wales .
6 Francis and I — ’ Werewolf looked at his fingernails ; anything to avoid my smug look — ‘ are going down to Kent tomorrow to do the Exhilarator .
7 Some of the remainder must still be at the Institute in Rome ; a delegation from the Venice Soprintendenza and Padua 's Eremitani Church , which owns the fragments , is due to travel to Rome shortly to resolve the problem .
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