Example sentences of "to [noun prp] [conj] then [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Optimistic that they were on the right track , but aware that much still had to be done , first thing on the morning of Monday , 13 March Fleischmann sent a fax to Harwell and then talked on the phone the next day remarking that their information was incomplete , that they had much more to do before they would be confident enough and expressing irritation that they were being ‘ rushed into premature publication ’ .
2 He received a message from Hopkins and came to Templecombe but then blundered into the trap My Lord Cardinal had laid for him .
3 Either that or they go through to Salzburg and then come off the motorway there .
4 The RJO released Mann , 77 , in Beirut on Sept. 24 ; he was taken to Damascus and then flown to the UK .
5 ‘ She says he met someone from the convent on the night that Lady Eleanor died , and that Father Reynard did go to Godstowe but then disappeared until the next morning . ’
6 He returned to Washington and then went to Switzerland .
7 Hankin moved on to Peterborough and then signed for Tommy Docherty at Wolves .
8 He had been urged by his doctor to escape the English winter and at the end of the year he went once more to South Africa for a ten-week holiday , sailing to Durban and then proceeding in a leisurely fashion to Cape Town .
9 The route begins at the bonny little village of West Burton , climbs on to Penhill and then descends by drove road and field path to the ruined Crusaders ' chapel , returning at last by leafy lanes to the village .
10 On a dark and icy cold morning in January 1946 I flew in an RAF plane from Berlin to Kiel and then drove in a jeep to a British Army Church House a few miles outside the city .
11 Beyond that , the official Libyan theory rested mainly on the proposition that the suitcase containing the bomb had been sent unaccompanied on an Air Malta flight to Frankfurt , where , undetected by Pan Am 's inadequate security arrangements , it was loaded on to a feeder flight to London and then transferred to a third aircraft for the New York leg of the journey .
12 From Jibuti my father crossed to Aden and then went to Cairo to confer with Sir Reginald Wingate , the High Commissioner , while we went to Berbera to stay with Geoffrey Archer , the Commissioner in British Somaliland ; he and his wife had stayed with us at the Legation for Zauditu 's coronation in February .
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