Example sentences of "to [pron] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That means I can get to my Darts Match at 7.30 pm .
2 7.9 Landlord 's insurance covenants The Landlord covenants with the Tenant in relation to the policy of insurance effected by the Landlord pursuant to its obligations contained in this Lease :
3 As experts in specialist investment , pensions and life assurance , this continuing success has meant that Clerical Medical has paid bonuses to its with-profits policyholders since 1824 .
4 In the course of the arguments before us it was suggested that a construction of section 8 of the Act of 1969 which denies a 16- or 17-year-old girl an absolute right to refuse medical treatment , but leaves it open to her parents to consent to such treatment , could in theory lead to a case where a pregnant 16-year-old refuses an abortion , but her parents consent to her pregnancy being terminated .
5 Others may have shared my depression at the spectacle of party activists of various political persuasions sitting , stopwatch in hand , to measure the amount of time given to their views compared with those of their opponents .
6 Given press reaction to his production — Debussy specialists have howled ‘ what , no harp ! ’ , establishment opera critics have retreated , snarling , to their corners to blow on scorched fingers , while others ( this critic included ) have searched for appropriately fresh superlatives — the questions to Brook and artistic colleagues were strangely tame .
7 A problem arises here : the company policies and procedures need to be based on some knowledge of employees ' willingness to move but asking the employees whether they are willing to relocate will not provide constructive answers unless those concerned can have answers to their questions based on hard facts — which are usually given in written policy statements .
8 Would people go to their doctors to ask for contraceptive advice ?
9 This conclusion is as pertinent to women caring for an elderly or disabled person as it is to their sisters caring for young , able-bodied children .
10 In the meantime , the task for the teacher or therapist is to examine all aspects of the child 's language , using whatever devices are available , with the objective of generating an assessment which reflects both strengths and weaknesses in the three areas , and indicates the extent to which difficulties identified in each of these areas may or may not be interrelated .
11 Another proposal is to relate budgetary contributions to the degree to which countries contributed to agricultural surpluses .
12 As part of this study , it was additionally possible to investigate ( a ) a variety of domain-specific dictionaries and compare their performance with the general dictionary , and ( b ) the extent to which collocations compiled from one domain could contribute to the recognition of text from another .
13 Another objective of this investigation was to determine the extent to which collocations taken from one domain could aid the recognition of text taken from another .
14 A provincial assembly of the clergy , to which proctors came in greater numbers than to parliament and which all abbots and priors were entitled to attend , was increasingly the body through which the clergy were taxed ; gradually the name of convocation , which had been applied haphazardly from the early twelfth century to a variety of ecclesiastical gatherings , was reserved for this assembly .
15 Yet a key theme in discussions of relationships between ministers and their departments has been the extent to which politicians enter with apparent policy commitments but become socialized into roles determined by the permanent administrator and particularly by the need for ‘ policy maintenance ’ within their department .
16 In summary , the questions in studies of more and less have revolved around three issues : ( a ) whether children have full or only partial lexical knowledge about the pertinent word meanings ; ( b ) the extent to which children rely on non-linguistic strategies in the absence of lexical information ( clearly children know none of the pertinent meanings at first for a domain , and several studies have documented the kinds of non-linguistic strategies they then rely on in responding to instructions — see Clark , 1973b , 1979,1980 ; Donaldson and McGarrigle , 1974 ) ; and ( c ) whether children observe the principle of Contrast .
17 He thought he might as well look over his skiing equipment , instead of listening to his parents snapping at each other .
18 In a letter to his lawyers cited by foreign correspondents in Beijing on Feb. 18 , Wang commented on other " leaders and initiators of this movement " who " dared not take responsibility for it and sought to defame it " .
19 This is interesting because Morrissey was referring back to his days spent in hopeless fandom when he practically worshipped everything that moved within the media .
20 If he dies intestate , the land will pass to his relations entitled in that event ( see pp. 112–13 for the modern law on this subject ) .
21 How does this student 's work measure up to what teachers expect at this stage ?
22 It 's important that if you do get an ache or a strain , treat it with a specialised spray similar to what trainers use with injured athletes which can either heat up an area or cool it rapidly , bringing relief .
23 PRICE : Our excellent reputation and years of experience coupled with our overall size allows us to negotiate the best possible rates which of course , we pass on to our customers resulting in outstanding value without sacrificing any quality .
24 As a result we do n't give signals to our friends to sympathize in obvious ways .
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