Example sentences of "to [pron] [conj] [pers pn] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 that intrigued me because it did n't seem to me that it was to be eligible
2 Not until I arrived on the 18th tee 1-down did it suddenly occur to me that I was on the point of losing .
3 I hardly knew how I was able to face it , either then or at any other time of my life in this mocking world , but I did , though it did not seem to me that I was in any way heroic — just the opposite , in fact .
4 It proved to me that I was in earnest , that I was truly resolved .
5 It did n't occur to me that I was in labour because it was too early .
6 Leeds ' disallowed first half goal , just after the canaries ' one , looked good to me but I was at the other end of the pitch peering through the floodlit rainstorm .
7 Mrs Fairfax had written to me while I was at Gateshead , telling me that the guests had all gone , and Mr Rochester had gone to London to buy a carriage for his wedding .
8 But she , but she even said to me while you was in there she said Carla 's got the advantage of the fact that she 's so good at .
9 He knows all the villagers personally , and is as indispensable to me as he was to the previous twenty-seven Humanitarian Officers .
10 Let me now vouch for his kindness and generosity , for he was as good a friend to me as he was to dozens of others , not all of them writers .
11 Cos she , she said it to me cos she was on such a high you see cos she 'd just come on , did n't you see her last night ?
12 ‘ The idea first came to me when I was at college and Paul Watson , a BBC producer , came to do a series of lectures .
13 Oliver sang very little now Gran was too tired to play the organ , though sometimes he sang hymns softly to himself when he was on his own in the garden .
14 We had next to none when I was at drama school and young actors need to know more about what will be expected of them on film sets and television studios .
15 She had written to him while he was in prison but had received no reply , but then she had excused him in her own mind , telling herself he would be free soon , then he would come home to her and make her his bride .
16 Mr Copley took an occasional service at St Andrew 's when Mr Smollett , the vicar , was on holiday , an involvement in church and village life which , Meg suspected , was as important to him as it was to the church .
17 She had been tricking herself earlier into thinking that he did , that their friendship was nearly as important to him as it was to her , but seeing him in the garden with Marise tonight , and hearing about his marriage , unhappy though it had been , had made her realise that friendship was never as important as passion — at least , she was sure , not to a man .
18 My meal was obviously not as important to him as it was to me .
19 It must have been as clear to him as it was to her that Jeff , most definitely , was n't acting .
20 So I walked up to him and I was about this far away yeah ?
21 He used to be the marketing director of Butlins and obviously these trends were important to him when he was at Butlins because Butlins was actually losing the market .
22 Ianthe never knew how to talk to him when he was in this sort of mood .
23 And it seemed to her that she was at least two people , for the person who had plunged them into the forest and brought them to this spot was not the same as the person who sat here waiting for Allen to say what he was doing , and for the Friar to return .
24 For Emilia , as for himself , Dr Horrocks 's reassurance that miscarriage was a kind of mercy had brought no deep comfort , and Frere would not remind her of it , for he had quickly seen that , in some way he was far from comprehending , the loss was more secondary to her than it was to himself .
25 Karl certainly would n't stop and speak to her if she was with a crowd from the theatre .
26 He offered no words , though he thought words within , in the Welsh tongue , which had been native to her as it was to him .
27 That thorny subject , if he but knew it , was as painful to her as it was to him .
28 Her life was as important to her as his was to him .
29 He was as bound to her as she was to him .
30 But the next time Cecilia saw Daphne Bleech-Palmer Tina 's words came back to her and she was for a while shy and constrained .
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