Example sentences of "to [pron] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well that 's what I 'm saying , why do n't you use the money that Geoffrey and Jean gave you with al buy something and then you can write to them and tell them what you 've cos it 's a fortnight since your birthday , it 's time you 're writing to them they 'll think you 're a most ungrateful child if you do n't write and say thank you .
2 Because any one of these two or three things that I show you is enough if it 's a surprise to them they will blow you out .
3 If you give in to them they will do it even more and they will think they have won , ’ she said .
4 And when you talk to them they will say we can find out whether they 've got a criminal record or not , how can they offer that service in the public domain without having access to your computer ?
5 To them I 'll say you 'll find things are strange for a time but , with the help of your colleagues , you 'll soon find your feet but , for yourselves , avoid falling into the bad habits of others .
6 So Angela did n't want to get involved — she did n't need the capital , after all — and she said to me she might do it in a year or so when Miss Huntley had calmed down . ’
7 she immediately undercuts herself : ( " And even if you say something shameful to me I shall blame you in no way at all " )
8 ‘ And if the old skinflint wo n't give it to me I shall take it just the same .
9 Pass them to me I 'll do it now , some of those fruit dishes , there 's not enough room there for the glasses , I like them then I 'll take them .
10 … and in the short space of time allocated to me I would like you to know that this is an occasion at which I am indeed proud — extremely proud — to be present .
11 I want well out of it , so course she come in got changed , so he said to me I would like you tomorrow to have a word with Robin about stopping her coming down to us he said because erm it makes me feel very uncomfortable he said and we had that hassle he said it 's a load of nonsense he said I 've forgotten
12 That came as a great surprise to me I can tell you .
13 So I thought well I 'll carry one of these for when I 'm going out in my car to which , you know , and if somebody does come up to me I can use it in a positive manner while in a split second time for me , hopefully beca , cos of my range of work
14 ‘ If you keep talking to me he might think we have n't seen him , ’ Benny hissed out of the corner of her mouth .
15 Well you said to me he could have it he said I 'll have tonight .
16 He went down to his car and down to his company stock and he says now what the money 's due to me you 'll get them in the post .
17 Seems to me you could grab him and save the dough . ’
18 Could you please let me know where you would like the cheque sent , and to whom we should make it out ?
19 You had come back to me in order to show me your poems : there was no one else to whom you could show them .
20 One of the earlier attempts to account for this residual precession was by the astronomer Le Verrier , to whom I shall introduce you more properly in Chapter 13 .
21 I 'm hoping she might have said something to someone which might help me find her . ’
22 He 'd not leave it to someone who would turn it over .
23 Alternatively , the duke might give the post to someone who would take it in order to oblige the town council of Glasgow , perhaps even a member of that council , or one of the town 's lawyers .
24 Personally , I would much rather just give it away to someone who can handle it if I could find them .
25 Your GP and your health visitor are sources of help , and can arrange suitable treatment , or refer you to someone who can help you .
26 Mr Rampton asked : ‘ Suppose you had somebody in your hands who had behaved badly … is it in those circumstances right to hand him back to somebody who would treat him with equal brutality ? ’
27 That is why during the next few weeks we shall be embarked on considering the extent to which we can change it to the benefit of all .
28 I think it 's fair to say that with this new computer erm the box office that we 've got a lot of information can be stored on that and in future we 'll be using a much more erm sophisticated in a scientific way for instance if you came here and book that seat that your sitting in tonight we would know on that computer what type of show that your discouraging coming to erm we can say to you we can send you out a leaflet saying the kind of er things that you 'd like to see are on at the playhouse on such and such a date and we could even say to you would you like the seat that you normally sit in .
29 ‘ You are quite sure that he said nothing to you which might provide us with a clue to the killer ? ’
30 Well I went and worked in a factory for about nine months I suppose , and the man himself , cos it was casting , brass castings , the man himself says , he says look son , this job 's no good to you I 'll tell you that .
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