Example sentences of "to [art] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A seventy-year-old Californian whose wife died yesterday — died , according to the best informed medical opinion , of purely natural causes . ’
2 Does this low opinion also apply to the normally aspirated 2.5 diesel ?
3 The fourth hybridising band , closest to the strongly hybridising 3.8 kb tubulin repeat unit , is generated from the 3' end of the wild type tubulin locus , and is also present in the controls .
4 The current work at the Mappin demonstrates the refreshing versatility in which each exhibitor establishes her own position in relation to the traditionally sanctioned modernist frame of reference .
5 In the same way , only modest repairs were needed to the steeply pitched slated roofs — wholesale reroofing was not necessary .
6 The length of follow up in all the studies ( median six weeks ) was short relative to the generally accepted desirable duration of treatment in this population .
7 In considering the payment of income maintenance , regard should be had to any mortgage interest which has to be paid if the matrimonial home is retained and to the most tax advantageous method of payment for both husband and wife .
8 At the United States-Soviet summit meeting off Malta on Dec. 2-3 ( see pp. 37110-12 ) , the US President , George Bush , indicated that he would support an application by the Soviet Union for observer status at GATT , and this support was reaffirmed by the US delegation to the immediately following 45th session of GATT contracting parties .
9 In his spare time he is an Assistant Secretary to the well known Premier League team , Hamilton Accies , for whom he writes the programme .
10 He was referring to the well known local character whose unenviable job as council dustman , included emptying the local toilet buckets , as there was no running water in the area The local joke was that Terry had no problem getting a drink .
11 Perhaps the most dramatic shift in the pattern of work associated with new technology was that which characterised the first industrial revolution , as thousands moved to the newly forming industrial towns to work in the mills .
12 The President became , for the interim , Supreme Commander , while immediate responsibility for troops passed to the newly appointed republican Defence Minister .
13 The Libyan leader , Col. Moamer al Kadhafi , met Hassan during an unscheduled visit to Morocco on May 13-14 , 1989 , to discuss bilateral relations and issues related to the newly formed Arab Maghreb Union ( AMU-see p. 36474 ) .
14 Allan resigned to become the Geologist to the newly formed National Coal Board and J. G. C. Anderson and Kennedy left to become professors at Cardiff and Leeds respectively .
15 In 1950 my father 's place of work moved from Hampstead , near Highgate , to the newly constructed National Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill , on the northern edge of London .
16 When applied to the newly discovered cytochrome oxidase blobs in the visual cortex of primates the correlational approach is quite revealing .
17 The currency reform of 1924 had introduced the new Polish zloty , tied to the newly created central Bank Polski , but a stable currency was maintained only at terrible social and political cost .
18 The Police Authority rejected Sir Hugh 's proposal and last year appointed one of the three serving SACC 's to the newly created second Deputy Chief Constable rank which was agreed .
19 Susan has been elected to the newly created Reserved Seat on the Executive Committee for Women , in Dublin .
20 When he took over in October 1964 , he enjoyed two other advantages : his majority of four ensured that the fractious Parliamentary Labour Party would have to behave ; and , apart from Patrick Gordon Walker , whom he appointed Foreign Secretary , and James Griffiths , who was sent to the newly created Welsh Office , only he possessed Cabinet experience .
21 Among the new Secretaries ( Ministers ) named were Libya 's first woman Cabinet member , Fatimah Abd al-Hafiz Mukhtar ( Secretary for Education ) , and Amin Halimi Uthman Kamil , an Egyptian citizen appointed to the newly created Light Industries portfolio .
22 Once in office Labour chose to stand by their predecessors ' commitment to the newly created Malaysian Federation .
23 Meanwhile , on the fourth floor , in addition to the newly re-arranged historical collection , works recently donated to the museum by Pierre Matisse will be on show .
24 This form developed bipedalism and other adaptations to the newly opening arid savannah landscape and eventually became the ancestor of man .
25 The proposals for provinces were referred to the newly established Royal Commission on the Constitution , while the proposals for local councils were thought to add too much extra work to the already formidable task of local government reorganisation .
26 ‘ Castle catholics ’ , those who found a place in the Stormont administration and developed a stake in the union , have also voted alliance , but are probably now , in 1989 , switching their allegiance to the newly found conservative associations , which are seeking to bring British party loyalties to Ulster .
27 I remember we went on a visit once to the newly opened Polish Post Office .
28 Indeed , it was a precocious interest in Wealden fossils that led to the assembly of a large and valuable collection that was donated in 1884 to the newly opened Natural History Museum in South Kensington , and which gained him not only the title of honorary collector for the museum but also brought him the coveted fellowship of the London Geological Society at the age of twenty-one .
29 Secondly , there is an inequality between younger and older women in their ability to gain access to the newly emerging occupational pension opportunities .
30 In November 1859 she served as secretary to the newly founded National Association for the Promotion of Social Science 's committee to consider new channels of employment for women .
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