Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , it might be argued from Case 131/86 United Kingdom v. Council , where the Court looked at the preparatory measures to the legislation in question in order to determine whether it was genuinely intended to be agricultural legislation , that the Court might investigate whether there had been a genuine consideration of the question of subsidiarity .
2 Archbishop Fisher went so far as to write a very tough letter to the editor in defence of Ramsey .
3 When unlocking a trolley , make sure it 's pushed close to the trolley in front before inserting the coin .
4 Such a confirmation was to be of great propaganda value to the papacy in addition to its immediate political and financial value ; Charles had confirmed that a friendly relationship existed between the great kingdom of the Franks and Rome , and that a pope could make demands upon the Frankish king in full expectation of support and response — perhaps even of obedience .
5 They were put in canvas sacks and taken to the church in Godstowe for burial .
6 What is essential is to identify a ‘ critical mass ’ of people inside and directly outside the organization who must be committed to the change in order for it to succeed .
7 In the context of a business sale an employee will be redundant if his dismissal was wholly or mainly attributable either to the change in location of the business or to the fact that fewer employees are now required for the business .
8 This will affect the way family members respond to the change in capacity of the elderly family member , including how the family system can incorporate these changes ;
9 The increase in the number of night visits is only partly due to the change in hours during which visits may be claimed .
10 In the drama departments there was a general welcome for the move away from written papers , which had been seen by many drama specialists as a cause of confusion between drama and English literature , with students often finding it difficult to respond to the change in emphasis towards a set text that this involved .
11 Bardeen , Carter , and I found a similar law relating to the change in mass of a black hole to a change in the area of the event horizon .
12 For an isotropic body , the change in length per unit length is related to the change in width per unit of length , such that where υ p is known as Poisson 's ratio and varies from 0.5 , when no volume change occurs , to about 0.2 .
13 Our author , entirely uninfluenced by the dismissive judgements of her distinguished compatriots Jacques Monod and Francois Jacob , hankers after evidence that lends colour to the possibility in principle of an imprinting of somatic characteristics upon the genome , believing in particular that the comparatively recent discovery of the possibility of mapping RNA upon DNA ( ’ reverse transcription ’ ) entitles her to think in terms of ‘ reverse translation ’ — that is a mapping of amino acid into nucleotide sequences .
14 In the absence of further information to the contrary , we are justified in assuming that money wages and the prices of non-labour inputs have also risen in proportion to the rise in price of final output .
15 Hayek , for example , tends to trace the problems of constructivist rationalism to the rise in authority of the natural sciences and hence takes the form of a critique of ‘ scientism ’ .
16 The sums involved are enormous : 70 per cent of the total growth in the nation 's wealth since 1979 has been due to the rise in value of the housing stock .
17 Because of the national shortage of timber in the Stuart period , James I banned the use of wood to fuel glass furnaces , and the need for coal supplies contributed to the rise in importance of glass making in Scotland and the North of England .
18 Brian — better known as BK to his friends — went to the Ukraine in November on a visit organised by the Life Church of Mobile .
19 ‘ to grant equitable relief to the defendants in respect of the son 's acts alone without [ the plaintiff 's ] authority or knowledge , is to go further than any decided case has yet gone .
20 By writ dated 6 September 1991 the plaintiffs in the second action , Kleinwort Benson Ltd. , claimed restitution of sums totalling £807,230.31 , alleged to have been paid to the defendants in respect of similar agreements between 7 and 15 September 1982 , and to trace the said sums .
21 Radnorshire District Council 's planning committee , who meet today to decide whether to permit a windfarm on Bryn Titli in the unspoilt upper Wye valley , have been urged to reject both the application and the £100,000 cheque offered by National Wind Power Ltd to the council in exchange for planning permission .
22 There is no statutory procedure for withdrawing such a notice , neither has the resignation to be reported to the council in order to be effective .
23 From the high-stemmed poop of a Genoese cog , a boy sang a hymn to the Virgin in thanksgiving for the change in the weather whilst sailors in a Greek galley chanted their prayer for mercy : ‘ Kyrie Eleison , Christe Eleison , Kyrie Eleison . ’
24 In February , he had entered into alliance with Charles V against France ; by June , he was sending English soldiers to the Netherlands in response to a French attack .
25 Providing that the forms get down to the computer in London on time
26 Thank you very much Councillor Councillor I understand you have waived your right to speak to the nomination in favour of Councillor .
27 But Cardiff 's Mike Hall is moved to the centre in place of the injured Roger Bidgood .
28 One would expect that if , in pursuing a matter of concern to him as a Member of Parliament , a Member wrote a defamatory letter to the Minister in charge of the department concerned , privilege would attach .
29 ‘ 1(1) If a child is born disabled as the result of such an occurrence before its birth as is mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) below , and a person ( other than the child 's own mother ) is under this section answerable to the child in respect of the occurrence , the child 's disabilities are to be regarded as damage resulting from the wrongful act of that person and actionable accordingly at the suit of the child .
30 It has been purchased for £120,000 by Dr Raymond and Mrs Beverley Sackler and presented to the Museum in honour of Sir David Wilson , Director from 1977–91 .
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