Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] [prep] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 Their opposition to the idea of fusion with the Falangists was foreseeable , as we have noted , on account of their immovable monarchical and counter-revolutionary ideals .
2 MRI has already made a valuable contribution to the management of patients with musculoskeletal tumours and has become the investigation of choice for staging patients with primary bone tumours .
3 Ever since 1914 , when the great majority of the leaders of social democratic parties in Europe supported the war effort of their own nation states — under a variety of influences , one of which was undoubtedly the nationalist fervour of the peoples involved — the capacity of the socialist movement to bring about a new kind of political relationship among the peoples of the world has seemed more questionable ; and the doubts have multiplied not only as a result of the course taken by the revolution in Russia , culminating in the project of building ‘ socialism in one country ’ , which eventually led to the identification of socialism with the national interests of the Soviet Union , but also in the light of the actual relations that developed between the communist countries in the postwar period .
4 They put up notices about the project in community centres , general practitioners ' waiting rooms , and clinics ; again not formally advertising posts , but to alert people to the possibility of involvement with the Home Support Project .
5 Specialists identify and ascribe a date to the pottery by comparison with other pottery of known date , in much the same way as antique dealers look at the features and form of an object in order to date it .
6 ‘ I will be putting a question to the Council of Ministers with regard to these seats at the April session . ’
7 This may well extend our understanding of alliances on the larger scale ( Huggett forthcoming ) although we should be wary of assuming that the sources of the material are relevant to the question of alliances with all of England .
8 Proposals will be assessed according to the level of confidence with which the OUP can anticipate the success of the strategies for each phase of the project .
9 These set limits to the level of contributions with the aim to prevent candidates from becoming obligated to special interest groups .
10 The nearest beach is just across the road and it 's only a 5–10 minute walk to the centre of Benitses with its all-action nightlife , bars and restaurants .
11 Visiting valets , I have found , are often the worst offenders , aspiring as they usually do to the position of butler with some urgency .
12 Meanwhile , in the manager 's office at Darlington Brian Little had responded to the club'sfall from grace with a purge during the summer .
13 a failure by the Distributor to make payment to the Publisher in accordance with the agreed terms
14 For example , while the newcomers may fail to understand the skill and local status of the farm worker , they do not wish to treat him as a social outcast — this would run counter to the notion of community with which many newcomers strongly identify .
15 The girl let go of my hand and moved away into the gloom behind me , where she must have put the screwed-up five-pound notes on to the chest of drawers with the magazines , the small framed photograph , the towel , the box of paper tissues , the jar of Vaseline , the baby 's dummy and all the other odds and ends spilled over the varnished oak top .
16 ( The East Germans had set the mark at 2.34 to the rouble , instead of 1.70 , for all COMECON trade , while the Czechoslovak move took the crown 's rate from 13 to 20 to the rouble for trade with East Germany . )
17 The State Department thus confirmed Macmillan 's recommendation that the Cossacks in 5 Corps area should be handed over to the Soviets in accordance with the Yalta agreement .
18 Harper , 21 , went to the barn for sex with Rebecca Harper , 17 , who is no relation , and was joined by her sister Emma and two friends , Bristol Crown Court heard .
19 Does he realise that the real potential danger to the Union of Scotland with Britain lies not with the separatists but with his Government 's refusal to listen to the voice of the people of Scotland ?
20 Defined as the " executive apparatus of presidential authority " ; headed by a Premier chosen by and reporting to the President , and comprising around 15 heads of ministries and departments in charge of " those spheres of government assigned to the Union in keeping with the allocation of powers between the Union and the republics " , plus the heads of republican governments ; replaced the 69-member Council of Ministers , responsible directly to the Supreme Soviet .
21 Washoe , in 1970 , moved to the University of Oklahoma with Roger Fouts , a research assistant of the Gardners .
22 Alerted by a grapevine of unparalleled efficiency to the presence of honkies with money , hitherto undiscovered talents began swarming in from the ghettos and down from the hills , bearing tape-recordings , even guitars , for impromptu auditions .
23 Gee-A has added to the roll of honour with victories at the Festival and Aintree since Murphy teamed up with Hubbard .
24 G. caputmedusae is confined to the eastern Atlantic and has been recorded from Norway south to the Bay of Biscay with a bathymetric range of 150–1200 m .
25 The Family Support Network provides support nationally to the families of people with HIV and AIDS through monthly meetings , telephone support and home visits .
26 Not only does this constrain Britain 's ability to win the internal-trade argument , it makes her position less than dominant on the question of Europe 's attitude to the development of trade with third countries .
27 In no small measure this is due to the concept of cruelty with which the judicial system has operated .
28 In 1859 he went to the brink of war with American troops over San Juan Island , despite his council 's urging restraint .
29 People reacted to the statistics of plenty with a simple Gee Whizzery .
30 The Training Authority has controlled the development of system and materials through direct funding but it has now to be marketed to the NHS in competition with a multitude of alternatives , many of which are long established and closely adapted to local needs .
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