Example sentences of "to [be] the [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 One would be to say that the predicating of names like ‘ white ’ does not involve classification ( taking classification to be the performing of tests indicated by the definition of the general name ) .
2 The principal reason for the vast number of parses that may be suggested for relatively simple sentence constructions appears to be the subcategorization of verbs .
3 By prior agreement some machines would be deemed to be the responsibility of millwrights and the others reserved for machine-tool fitters .
4 However , it would seem that selling sizeable tracts of reasonable quality ( by local standards ) is considered to be the behaviour of speculators and/or simply short-sighted .
5 These solutes are thought to be the origin of cements within the subsurface , either as quartz overgrowth cements ( e.g. Sibley & blatt , 1976 ) or as calcite cements .
6 Following these discoveries one of the most noticeable trends in skin care over the next few years looks set to be the development of products which are specifically ‘ Retin-A compatible ’ .
7 It was to be the sport of men 's insensitive obsession , raw matter tormented for the truth .
8 The only excitement in her life now seemed to be the exchange of clothes for hats by Mrs Bretton-Fawcett .
9 That source-study has been so common is at least partly due to the fact that the interpretation of the writings of the mystics has , from the start , been felt to be the preserve of theologians .
10 The creation or destruction of atoms or of energy was held to be impossible , at any rate for mankind — the beginning and end of the universe was generally accepted not to be the concern of scientists , down to very late in the century .
11 Those aspects will have to be the subject of regulations that the House will have to consider later .
12 Even if historians are specifically interested in form , it is likely to be the history of forms , or the development of styles which will have attracted their attention .
13 For instance , Stephen Knafler , a solicitor involved in judicial review , points out that in homelessness cases ‘ parliament intended local authorities to be the judge of facts without appeal to a court .
14 Its principal recommendation is that there is urgent need for research on the ideas that form what many people take to be the consensus of attitudes that underlie the post-war development of the welfare state .
15 Tuppe knew himself to be the stuff of epics .
16 Byrd and Philippe de Monte ; Byrd and Taverner ; Byrd and keyboard composers of Redford 's generation ; Byrd and Tallis ; Byrd and Parsons : Byrd research has brought these and many other connections to light , and they cry out to be the stuff of records called ‘ Byrd and his contemporaries ’ .
17 It tends to be the fate of protractors .
18 Actual attacks on humans are rare so far and more likely to be the work of strays than of truly feral animals .
19 In Tripoli a bank raid was said to be the work of Tunisians .
20 The consumer goods that engineers make tend to be the kind of things that people buy when they move house , like cookers and fridges .
21 She had expected to be the centre of things in Gallanach , but the McHoans as a family had so many other things happening to them ; she had felt peripheral .
22 Some said that she was going to be the wife of Fahfakhs .
23 Indeed , although such characteristics are commonly thought to be the domain of animals and birds , the evidence shows that thermogenic regulation first occurred in the reptiles .
24 The development of new fonts used to be the business of companies like Linotype and Monotype , which built typesetters with proprietary technology .
25 As a major zone of primary production , the eastern equatorial Pacific continues to be the focus of studies of modern and geological oceanic and climatic processes .
26 The above provisions constitute what the law will presume to be the intention of partners in the management of their affairs in the absence of evidence ( not necessarily documentary ) that they have agreed otherwise .
27 When a telephone is installed , it is possible to have a very long flex put on for very little extra cost , and it can then be carried to any room , but you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of this carefully before coming to a decision to have it done , as it has been known to be the cause of accidents to some old people .
28 It was to be the culmination of months of planning .
29 There may well be other patterns of simplification besides these , and one of these seems to be the merger of classes that were previously distinct .
30 What one understands to be the use of computers in spectroscopy is very much a matter of personal prejudice , and care must be taken to avoid being misled by a general title such as this .
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