Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] [prep] [num] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 The Medical Correspondent of the UK Sunday Times reported in May 1990 that the anti-oestrogen drug , tamoxifen , used for several years to treat women actually suffering from breast-cancer , is now to be tested on 30,000 human subjects over a period of five years to assess its potential as a preventative of the disease in healthy women .
32 Mr Millan disclosed that the EC wanted the committee to be composed of 150 elected local representatives but had been overruled by the European leaders at the Maastricht summit .
33 I understand that it is to be merged with 105 Royal Artillery Scotland .
34 An A3 size chart that lists plant to be inspected in 33 principal types of location has been produced by Plant Safety .
35 In other galleries in Soho , there is an installation by Gladstone Thompson at Laure Genillard ( to 10 October ) , to be followed by four cibachrome portraits , of the dealer , a critic , a collector and the artist , mounted on lightboxes by Catherine Yass ( 16 October-23 November ) .
36 That month the Earl ( or by Jacobite reckoning Duke ) of Ormonde visited Spain , at Alberoni 's invitation , to be followed by two other leading Jacobites , George Keith , the tenth Earl Marischal , who had commanded the cavalry at Sheriffmuir , and his brother James , known as Marshal Keith , who had also taken part in that campaign .
37 Macaulay has concluded from his Glasgow study that individual scores do in fact fall into groups in such a way as to allow Glasgow speech to be characterized as three major social dialects ( Macaulay 1978 ) .
38 It seems to be fuelled by two opposing factors : a love of Donovan ( ‘ He thinks it 's lovely , very , very lovely ’ ) and an aversion to the Happy Mondays ( whose Shaun Ryder has recently recorded his own interpretation of the same song ) .
39 It seems to be fuelled by two opposing factors : a love of Donovan ( ‘ He thinks it 's lovely , very , very lovely ’ ) and an aversion to the Happy Mondays ( whose Shaun Ryder has recently recorded his own interpretation of the same song ) .
40 It would need to be accompanied by one good colour or black and white photograph .
41 So , although the North Koreans were soon to be backed by 250,000 Communist Chinese troops , officially there was still no hot war — only a cold one , in two versions , foreign and domestic .
42 The sounds are the same as those of daylight , yet somehow the night magnifies and sharpens the creak of a yielding block , the sigh of air over a shroud , the stretching of a sail , the hiss of water sliding sleek against the hull , the curl of a quarter-wave falling away , and the thump as a wave strikes the cutwater to be sheared into two bright slices of whiteness .
43 The report concludes that , in addition to making health services more equitable , policy needs to be focused on five broad areas : the distribution of economic resources ; education ; living conditions ; access to and conditions of work ; and the provision of social support .
44 Under the community charge rules , the normal payment plan will be for the charge to be paid in 10 monthly instalments .
45 Incidentally , I have used projection television receivers at home for the last 40 years and , possibly their use does not require the eye to be concentrated in one continuous subtended angle , my in eyes in their fourth quarter century still resolve that one minute of arc !
46 Fortunately SCOTVEC had already developed a sophisticated database system to cope with the scale and complexity of the National Certificate and this is capable of extension to allow all qualifications achieved by an individual to be held against one key number .
47 On Jan. 29 the International Monetary Fund approved a standby credit arrangement for SDR1,500 million ( about US$2,100 million ) to be released in seven quarterly instalments , depending on compliance with IMF targets .
48 All these new features are to be found in two Iberian stone heads of a different type , one of a man and one of a woman , which entered Picasso 's possession in March 1907 .
49 Therefore , the pattern stitches and the background stitches have to be knitted on two separate rows .
50 The development of indicative prescribing budgets needs to be considered alongside two other initiatives ; the feedback of information on prescribing behaviour to GPs through PACT ( prescribing analyses and cost ) and the development of community formularies .
51 In 1989 , Japanese companies put 38 per cent of their European Community investment into Britain , leaving the rest to be shared between 11 other countries .
52 The supplementary budget , details of which are expected to be approved by the cabinet in the next few weeks , will include ¥25–30 billion ( US$225–$270 million ) for 11 supercomputers and mini-computers to be shared among six science-related ministries and agencies ( see table ) .
53 Fresh-killed meat from Deptford , nineteen wagon-loads of it , arrived every evening to be loaded into 800 special refrigerator vans waiting to receive it .
54 It has to be taken at one specific time , the end of the fifth year .
55 In June the World Bank agreed to provide dollars 84,000,000 to back further agricultural reforms , to be allocated in two equal tranches , and in July the bank granted a dollars 130,000,000 loan to support the restructuring of three major state companies in the phosphate , chemicals and railways sectors .
56 If they mine there the whole of Tomduff is going to be reduced to one big ugly hole with no plant or bird life ’ .
57 The money £200,000 more than Darlington usually receives is to be used on three major improvement schemes alongside the main East Coast railway line .
58 The programme will select tools to be used in two main curriculum areas : Technology and the Humanities .
59 The amount of heroin reported to be used by 195 daily users known to the Drugs Council and 207 daily users known to the Detoxification Unit varied between one 5 ‘ bag ’ per day ( enough for a few ‘ hits ’ ) and 4 grams per day ( costing up to 240 ) .
60 In just the same way , a school full of people who have no real idea about life 's inventor and designer are not likely to make a very wonderful job of sorting out what life IS all about — and they are certainly NOT going to be helped by two unexplained Bible verses in a weekly assembly !
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