Example sentences of "to [be] [adv] [adj] to the " in BNC.

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1 Those special events are treats that we save up for look forward to are also subject to the ravages of inflation .
2 Women showed themselves to be remarkably adaptable to the heavy engineering work involved and many of them displayed such interest and versatility that they were able to undertake really high class work such as turning , milling , and drilling of precision components , high grade fitting work , electric and oxy-acetylene welding , crane driving , and operation of power hammers .
3 And the overall groupings which we finally evolved for this book in terms of life focus also turn out to be remarkably close to the clusters of life styles picked out in an earlier American study taking just this perspective , Robert Williams and Claudine Wirths 's Lives through the Years .
4 But he is also said to be intensely loyal to the woman who stood by him during his 27 years of imprisonment .
5 And finally , only a year or so later , turned them out of house and home — put them on the street , as women who failed to be properly grateful to the fathers had been put for centuries .
6 Science , somehow , seems to be scarcely relevant to the most important issues in our life .
7 ( 1983 ) , thought to be broadly applicable to the foreland and sheet S in western central southern England .
8 The first wave approach to NHS management was seen to be increasingly inappropriate to the needs of the service and society at large .
9 The Government of Sri Lanka has shown itself to be increasingly sensitive to the outcry over its appalling human rights record over the last decade .
10 Such animals are likely to be equally sensitive to the electromagnetic waves created by a storm .
11 Of the models looked at , the Ullmann-Harris model seems to be most adaptable to the layout of Nottingham as it is .
12 We considered several ideas but the one we felt to be most beneficial to the local community was a skateboard ramp/halfpipe .
13 In the end , too , it was the Japanese that turned out to be most amenable to the idea of throwing away and starting from scratch ; which is what Taos does .
14 In the end , too , it was the Japanese that turned out to be most amenable to the idea of throwing away and starting from scratch ; which is what Taos does .
15 The idea was that a group of them should take back the second of the Shahs planes to Teheran , contact those military commanders known to be most loyal to the Shah and convince them to hijack Khomeinis plane when , as the assumed he would , he flew back to Teheran from Paris .
16 And if your victim happens to be conveniently close to the edge of a tall cliff , by the time he 's bounced down a couple of hundred metres on to the rocks , he 'll be in such a mess that the injury from the blow stands a good chance of being overlooked .
17 In regard to smells resulting from the transportation of manure it seems to me that , irrespective of the methods employed , the necessary journeys would occur so infrequently as not to be unduly detrimental to the residential amenities which nearby residents in this rural community could reasonably be expected to enjoy . ’
18 Marxism is not seen to be particularly antagonistic to the rights of women , and several women attribute their general political consciousness to the education they received through the Party .
19 Opportunism is claimed to be particularly relevant to the implementation of decisions .
20 The chitinous external skeleton seems to be particularly responsive to the demands of evolution .
21 It seems to be particularly sensitive to the type of graphics card in use and 256 colour mode often slows it down a lot .
22 Thus , thromboxane B2 released during incubation of pancreatic fragments may be derived mainly from trapped platelets which are known to be particularly sensitive to the effect of cyclooxygenase inhibitors .
23 They are said to be generally positive to the takeover but still need to achieve certain comfort levels .
24 Sometimes , however , they prefer not to appear to be opposed , claiming to be generally sympathetic to the proposal , differing only on the appropriate time to bring it forward .
25 All lines on maps , depicting features such as roads , contours and boundaries , are drawn so as to be easily visible to the user .
26 There is a lethal or semi-lethal dwarfing factor in the breed , sometimes called the bulldog-calf syndrome , the genetics of which have been closely studied and which seems to be slightly different to the dwarfing factor sometimes seen in other cattle breeds .
27 Similarly , the explosion in the population of sentenced prisoners , which was an ongoing phenomenon for most of the 1990s , appears to be largely attributable to the persistent practice of ‘ over-sentencing ’ — both in the sense of using custody unnecessarily for minor property offenders and others , and of imposing longer sentences across the board than is required for strictly reductivist purposes — for which responsibility rests mainly , but not exclusively , with the Crown Court .
28 It is not surprising that the typical EPZ worker does not join a union because most unions are male-dominated and tend to be completely unresponsive to the needs of women workers .
29 For this reason one might expect there to be no large change in surface energy between liquid and solid glass so that surface tension and therefore surface energy , measured quite easily on molten glass , ought to be approximately applicable to the same glass when hardened .
30 He failed to be sufficiently accountable to the board .
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