Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For he was going to be burdened always with the conviction that it could have been avoided .
2 His argument seemed to be based fearlessly on the refusal to recognise what is already public knowledge about our plans .
3 There are many factors which indicate that rehabilitation should become a community-based process into which the hospital facilities can feed , but which ought to be based closer to the patient 's home .
4 Study of the distribution of the British population has to be based largely on the census , an amazingly rich and flexible source of data but capable of providing us with only occasional , if regular , views of what is happening .
5 These comments do not seem to be based primarily on the notion of standardization as a process ( J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) that might have been beginning to have an effect about this time : they present the standard language as a coherent entity — a variety , like any other variety .
6 The first was the introduction of the Apple Macintosh which was the first personal computer to be based entirely on a graphical interface as opposed to the more conventional character-at-a-time systems .
7 In the absence of a reliable test , the diagnosis of candidiasis has to be based solely on the symptoms reported .
8 There is however much more to be said here about the development of Parker the musician .
9 There were signs , especially in 1988 , that the players appeared to be trying harder in the one-day internationals than in the Tests , and the traditionalists — who of course regard themselves as the real cricket lovers — feared for the future .
10 Chloramphenicol was the first antibiotic to be prepared synthetically on a large scale , and no difference has been recognized between the therapeutic properties of material made by microbes and by man .
11 The method depended on pouring molten gold with a melting-point lower than that of the pieces to be joined together into the interstices between them : on cooling the separate parts would be found to have bonded together .
12 Yet , between the upper strata of the landed aristocracy and the wealthiest members of the industrial and commercial society there were many links ; and gradually these two elements came to be joined together in a single ruling group …
13 Although this technique was originally introduced to investigate the relevance of linear stability theory , it has proved a useful way of controlling flow development and ensuring that the same features are to be observed repeatedly at the same place .
14 Responsibilities to be transferred exclusively to the provinces included mining , forestry , tourism , urban affairs , housing and recreation , although the agreement also committed the government to make concessions in the areas of culture , immigration , telecommunications , labour training and regional development .
15 If colleges of nursing can not supply these , then nurse education ought to be transferred away from the colleges and onto polytechnics and universities .
16 As the operator takes readings they are recorded automatically on the attached ‘ datalogger ’ , to be transferred later to a personal computer ( courtesy Cath Price ) .
17 The system had to be extended considerably beyond the 1950 plans at both 132kV and 275kV in order to meet the greatly increased demands of the late 1950s .
18 In view of the growth of the tutorial class movement and of adult education generally , which carries with it an increasing demand for courses in English literature , the influence and responsibilities of English departments at Universities , especially in the provinces , are likely to be extended considerably in the near future .
19 I said I wanted it for an amateur production of James Saunders A Scent of Flowers — a play I knew well and which required a coffin to be positioned downstage during the entire action .
20 Villages and timber plants are to be relocated away from the pandas ' habitat …
21 this is erm , this is going to be exhibited here on the twenty third of July , ok , erm , two , two of Gaugin 's pictures , this is one of them , and several other artists er of the same period , and I think this is going to be the only venue in , in England , I do n't think there coming , sort of worth seeing , but unfortunately I shall miss it cos I 'm , I wo n't be here , erm this is a poster of
22 ‘ Recommend that he 's taken ashore at the next port of call and arrange for him to be flown home to an orthopaedic unit .
23 They expect good law that makes sense for business and they expect it to be applied uniformly across the Community , both by implementation and by proper enforcement .
24 You get what in reality is a new set of rules of law — rules which you can rely on as likely or certain to be applied uniformly in the future .
25 I went along one night at 6 p.m. precisely , to be turned away by the dragon because ‘ there is no surgery to-night , as no patients have come ’ .
26 I realise this is not to everyone 's taste , but I did not expect to be turned away from the bar .
27 The person to whom the income is payable under the disposition and the person who has made the disposition are to be treated notionally as a single taxpayer .
28 A publicly funded , public service organization such as the BBC would need to be treated differently from a privately owned quality paper or a Trust-owned Guardian .
29 Many Shetlanders expressed concern about land being considered not as a resource for production , but as a resource to be treated simply as a kind of nonagricultural commodity i.e. something to be surrendered up from agriculture merely for money .
30 I take on board everything that Lesley said , but I still feel in my heart that there are times when you 're dealing with people who just need to be treated almost like a child again for a while and maybe maybe it 's a good place where the legislation leaves it , better than going to a sort of situation where healthy people might get pushed into asylums or whatever , but somehow I 'm not totally happy with where we are .
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