Example sentences of "to [noun] [conj] the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A thousand pinpricks of scalding steam grew to knife-points and the knives twisted .
2 It became clear to Truman as the months passed that the Soviet government was taking little heed of these threats and that differences over the composition of the Polish and other East European governments , over the fate of Germany and a host of other issues , remained as wide as ever .
3 The camera tracks back and forth from bedroom to kitchen as the servants go about their chores .
4 This figure understated the case ; much more land had been put down to pasture and the tenants had been forced to leave .
5 Sixty-six-year-old Yevgeniy , whose regular excursions on to the frozen river were interrupted only by deportation to Germany when the Nazis came swarming through Kiev , knows how to test the ice .
6 If the trustees make a payment to a beneficiary as an income distribution and the trustees submit trust returns supported by the relevant income tax certificates which detail all sources of trust income arising and payments made to beneficiaries and the trustees pay the additional rate tax chargeable on the UK income of the trust credit can be obtained for income tax suffered by the trustees .
7 The risk of events occurring prior to the Balance Sheet Date but only coming to light after the Accounts have been signed off should be placed on the Vendor .
8 Prosecuting counsel said the matter came to light when the police stopped a vehicle driven by Kelly and became suspicious of a vehicle test certificate as the date of issue on it was a Sunday .
9 Group B is tight with Crusaders and Distillery level on four points each at the top ; Crues are away to Coleraine while the Whites visit Omagh knowing defeat will let in the Tyrone men .
10 Leisure complexes , holiday homes , new towns , barn conversions , roads , open cast mining , the Channel Tunnel link and fish farms … the face of Britain 's countryside is changing , and could be trampled to unrecognition if the developers have their way .
11 ‘ Piano , Aaron , piano ! ’ she called , and her middle stepson , with his mobile thin white clown 's face , emerged from the crowd and seated himself at the instrument , as Liz called to Deirdre and the butlers to fill glasses and then join the guests for a toast : Jonathan turned on the radio , the eagle-crowned clock over the marble mantelshelf struck , some joined hands and some did not , Aaron struck up Auld Lang Syne , Big Ben struck , some sang and some did not , voices rose straggling , pure and impure , strong and weak , tuneful and tuneless , there were cries and embraces .
12 He issued a passionate plea to Labour and the Conservatives to spell out what they would do in a hung Parliament .
13 I daresay their neighbours changed it to , like Gazza 's neighbours have changed his name from Gasgcoine to Gazza or the newspapers have done it .
14 The total dividend jumps from 6p to 7.5p and the shares climbed 10p to 309p. — PA
15 There was evidence that passers-by were annoyed , and were on the verge of resorting to violence when the police intervened .
16 The talks came to grief after the separatists insisted that the government , or perhaps the ruling Socialist party , should publicly acknowledge that its representatives had agreed to negotiate with ETA on the Basque country 's political future .
17 The contract came to grief and the projects passed briefly through another restoration house , then into the Tallichet storage facility in Chino , California .
18 Midway profits roared from £130m to £160m and the shares jumped 14p to 401p .
19 There you are look the fast the r the number changes to yellow and the colours come at the bottom when you normal
20 As she walked , it seemed to Jane that the stars looked down , calmly and mockingly , at this speck in the universe , crawling with ants fighting each other .
21 It may , according to circumstances and the personalities involved , be best to fix a regular mutually agreeable day for visiting , so that it is something to be looked forward to and prepared for .
22 Opposed then to collaboration with the communist CCOO , the UGT offered a social pact to González after the Socialists won power in 1982 .
23 ‘ Perhaps she 's run away ? ’ suggested Enid to Maud as the girls trooped in for dinner .
24 Riot police broke up a demonstration in protest at the government 's response but most teachers returned to work when the schools reopened on March 5 .
25 This huge monumental arch was erected in the early years of the nineteenth century to celebrate the victories of Napoleon , although it was swiftly re-dedicated to Peace when the Austrians returned .
26 MAI 's interim dividend goes up from 1.4p to 2p and the shares firmed 1p to 184p. — PA
27 Other exclusions will be notified to individuals when the circumstances arise .
28 England star Martin Dugard is set to ride off to Eastbourne as the cheetahs struggle to find a new financial backer … there are talks this weekend but if no deal is done then Dugard is certain to sign for the Sussex team … he does n't want to go but may have to …
29 Armed with admittedly provisional hypotheses , Paracelsus explained in naturalistic terms and offered the possibility of relief to conditions that the Galenists treated as incurable , the church identified as demonic possession , or the public treated with fatalistic resignation .
30 Cardinal Roger Etchegaray is the highest Vatican official to go to China since the communists came to power in 1949 .
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