Example sentences of "in [Wh det] [noun prp] [vb -s] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The magazine BOMB , no. 5 , 1983 , includes both a full-page black and white advertisement in which Sherman models Issey Miyake clothes , somewhat in the guise of a wrongly strung marionette , and — elsewhere in the magazine — a personal picture in which Sherman appears in the same clothes as an exotic , diva-like force .
2 In Chapter 3 of Allegories of Reading de Man focuses on an episode from A la Recherche du Temps Perdu in which Marcel reflects upon the virtues of reading as a retreat from the outside world .
3 Time and again the images have a distilled beauty : the simple two-shot before the battle in which Krishna explains to the warrior Arjuna that ‘ Victory and defeat , pleasure and pain are all the same ’ , the sight of the nagaswaram ( the shawm-like musical instruments ) echoing their peals to the skies , Karna 's golden lance speeding through the air on its momentous flight to pierce the green-bellied Ghatotkatcha .
4 He quoted a passage from the Psalms in which God speaks to the Messiah and sets him at his right hand until all enemies have been overcome .
5 King 's head for funny business has him periodically indulge in what Lewis describes as the ‘ tactics of fear ’ and the latest example has been to publicly demean Maloney 's management of Lewis .
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