Example sentences of "in [pos pn] [noun sg] 's [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Dahlias were in my dad 's days so
2 And when the grandson left school , ‘ I worked in my grandfather 's boat just as he had worked in his grandfather 's …
3 I can see them in my mind 's eye even now .
4 I see her in my mind 's eye always in a Fair Isle jersey .
5 Only a week ago , she had stood in their butcher 's shop and-completely demolished the reputation of young Carrie Davidson for the same thing : having to get married .
6 She knew what was to come ; she had seen that look in her friend 's eyes too many times these past few months .
7 She was in favour of sacking the accountant ; no one had ever stood in her husband 's way before .
8 After buying the house she had spent hours just walking through it , seeing in her mind 's eye just how it would all look eventually — but turning those dreams into reality was sheer hard graft , and she was n't halfway through yet .
9 The safe in her father 's office upstairs had cheques in it , but she did not want cheques .
10 There was bitterness in her mother 's voice now .
11 Lady , a Jack Russell from Hampshire , loves travelling in her owner 's van so much that she decided to transform it into the perfect den to have her puppies .
12 And should Mr Moon ever be encountered by chance in his wife 's company then he could not be acknowledged either , other than by a glance of mild regret when no one was looking .
13 Thomson , born in India in 1914 , had Scottish parents , and until 1929 spent fourteen years of summer holidays and many other times in his grandmother 's family home , Newton , now a hotel , on the edge of Nairn .
14 Ramsay did not exactly cheer , but Will noticed a certain lightening in his brother 's step thereafter , as he set about the business of summoning men .
15 Tony felt that one important factor had been the change in his father 's attitude so that he now seemed to understand how he felt .
16 He 's followed in his father 's footsteps too .
17 He could see the big man in his mind 's eye even now , lifting Berdichev and breaking him .
18 She was in his mind 's eye now , like a fugitive from some more perfect place .
19 He let it come erect , then looked at it , with Hannele in his mind 's eye simultaneously .
20 Stephen died in his mother 's arms early the following day .
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