Example sentences of "in [pos pn] [noun] ['s] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In my grandfather 's time the Mamur Zapt used to control everything .
2 Occasionally she made rolled-up pancakes , and stuffed omelettes , and steak pies with lovely gravy:I have in my mind 's eye a picture of her , sitting in a corner with some child on her lap , and the usual dreamy expression on her face .
3 Merely by shutting his door if it was open , North would add to the intrigue of meetings : ‘ and when the meeting was over , I still could n't understand why the door was shut and what the intrigue was ’ said a visiting official , puzzled ; ‘ it was in my mind 's eye a social call . ’
4 In my case , and I am sure I am not alone in this , I can picture in my mind 's eye every summit I have reached in a long life without confusion of identity .
5 An inner excitement gripped me as I saw in my mind 's eye an image of Clare trying to hobble round her bedroom .
6 Failure to do this was in their Lordships ' view a material irregularity : Reg. v. Maguire [ 1992 ] 2 W.L.R. 767 , 782 .
7 In their Lordships ' view the Court of Appeal failed to give proper consideration to the fundamental question of what were the operations of the taxpayer which produced the relevant profit .
8 Whatever they may have told the pollsters , there must have been countless voters who , as they finally confronted their choice , saw in their mind 's eye the image of a beaming Neil and Glenys standing at the door of Number 10 , and thought , dammit — prompting them to switch back to that decent , straightforward , reliable Mr Major .
9 Mother Francis would have loved that old cottage to be Eve 's home ; she could see in her mind 's eye a kind of life where Eve would bring her student friends home from university to stay there for weekends , and they would call at the convent and have tea in the parlour .
10 It was of no help to her inner disquiet , as she left her room , that she saw in her mind 's eye a picture of the aristocratic-looking Ven Gajdusek .
11 Apart from other considerations , many other almost insuperable obstacles , in order to get hold of Mike or her father she would have to go through switchboards and in her father 's case a secretary .
12 Whenever Shiva considered the word he saw in his mind 's eye a grinning Mephistopheles with small , curly ram 's horns , capering in frock coat .
13 In his mind 's eye the epic narrator visualizes the personages and events that he is to describe , and sees them as something independent of and outside himself .
14 In his grandfather 's time the City had stretched only as far as Ch'ung Ch'ing .
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