Example sentences of "in [pos pn] [noun] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 And in considering how such things could have fooled some of our most eminent Baroque scholars and performers , I leave the reader to judge whether the question mark in my title deserves to be there .
2 ‘ He 's in my flat waiting to be telephoned .
3 I sat in my cell expecting to be called out for execution at any moment .
4 In addition , the social workers in their study appeared to be more aware than the psychiatrists of the relevance of interpersonal and family problems , a clear advantage considering the importance of such social difficulties for these patients .
5 An imaginative mix of 1 , 2 and 4 bedroomed units incorporating great flair in their design proved to be a winning formula for everyone involved .
6 She pinched ears , lips and nostrils , pulled hair and poked her hard fingers into tender places , and she did so with a vexed expression on her face , as if the worried children in her charge deserved to be roughly handled .
7 The blood in her veins seemed to be singing in fury .
8 The air passages deep in her throat seemed to be blocked ; her voice was a croak of fear .
9 But the confessional approach in its turn needs to be deepened and extended to become worthy in expression of the ideals of religious people .
10 It was an impressive monument and , as the local area lacks high-quality building or sculptural marble , the white marble used in its construction had to be imported .
11 Expertise in its use needs to be acquired by key staff in other areas , such as retail , library , and garden stores .
12 Equally a group with a wider range of talents in its midst tends to be more effective than a group with a narrow range of talents .
13 At Waddington , Tim Taylor has organised an exhibition of maquettes and drawings by Henry Moore ( 3 June-4 July ) at a time when international interest in his work appears to be reviving , with current exhibitions taking place in Sydney and in the Garden of the Bagatelles in Paris .
14 When a figure such as Duck , amenable , respectful and flattering in his gratitude came to be transplanted from his native Wiltshire to mingle with the best society of the land , his mentors no longer questioned his right to such an elevation , but were immediately at pains to educate him to become an inconspicuous unit in his new social caste .
15 The three principal figures in his demonology proved to be the Shah , Israel and the United States , and in a sermon against this trio in March 1963 he had done much to trigger the disturbances of that summer and the process that led to his banishment to Najaf in Iraq .
16 The tension of being in his company had to be getting to her .
17 Then the rider relaxed his legs , the horse moved off into a working trot , the rider rising so much at one with the animal that he in his turn appeared to be performing a piaffe .
18 But Columbus in his dream refuses to be found .
19 The ringing in his ears happened to be a bare half tone below the key in which he hummed music to himself .
20 The atmosphere in his office seemed to be closing in on her in an intimacy which she must avoid at all costs .
21 The fingers of one hand were tapping frenziedly against the palm of the other , as if all the excitement in his body had to be expressed through the movements of one set of digits .
22 Glaukos in his cerements seems to be watching what is going on ; Polyeidos to be striking at the snake ; but the living snake is shown at the bottom approaching the dead one .
23 An individual in our culture needs to be weaned and to experience the loss of the breast because we live in societies based on agriculture and requiring an ability to postpone immediate instinctual gratification .
24 Now ours , we 've helped you by already mixing it , so ours have got three percent of essential oil to a carrier oil , which in our case happens to be grapes erm grapeseed oil , which is a very light carrier oil .
25 No-one else in our aircraft appeared to be the least bit concerned , but my relief as we finally drew near the coast of England again and then began our descent to the safety of solid earth was so great that I made a little promise to myself that I would never again set foot in an aeroplane , so long as I could be permitted to survive this one trip .
26 However , the cancers associated with strictures in our series tended to be more advanced than those that did not cause strictures .
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