Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This curse will reverberate through the whole play and will not cease in wreaking havoc on the whole of Lear 's family until , with death as a result , ‘ The wheel is come full circle ’ .
2 In particular the government forces encountered problems in maintaining control of a town once rebel forces had been defeated ; when armed units moved on to another troubled area , rebels could regain control .
3 McCrea ) , in the context of security , that the Government 's policy must always be conducted within the rule of law , and that that is a critical factor in bringing terrorism to an end .
4 As stated in the Introduction , this book is mainly concerned with ordinary settlements ( be they villages or farmsteads ) engaged in producing food from the land .
5 Even if this does not produce actual fracture it may cause very slight opening up of any planes of weakness in the presence of water , a case of a mechanical effect aiding a chemical process and a possible explanation of the success of the second part of Grigg 's experiments in producing alteration on the surface of his block of granite ( see Chapter 3 ) .
6 In charting development within the group two samples of boys have been used to reduce the task to manageable proportions .
7 Expressed in another way , in attributing existence to an entity one is not saying anything about that entity that has not already been said by naming it .
8 Some people may wish to try their luck in using part of the capital value of their benefits to finance a business venture .
9 This growing interest in using puppetry in the fight against AIDS has brought health education officers from Zaire , Burundi , Burkina Faso , Congo , Niger and Gabon to AREPP 's centre .
10 You can use drama without specifically teaching about dramatic forms ( although in using drama as a learning medium , you can not help but make use of dramatic forms ) , but you ca n't effectively teach anything about the nature of dramatic forms without some sort of content .
11 Louis Nauges , a commentator on the electronics industry , says that Europe as a whole is ten years behind the US in using automation in the office .
12 David Vaisey , Bodley 's Librarian in Oxford , remarked at the Loughborough seminar : ‘ There are dangers in using conservation as a kind of underhand means of directing a collecting strategy . ’
13 In rural areas , ANDES members were established as leaders of the radical opposition to the regime and in the 1972 elections were fundamental in organizing support for the opposition coalition , the UNO .
14 In conclusion our results show the potential value of immunoreactivity of tumour markers in assisting identification of the site of the primary tumour in patients with metastasis of unknown origin .
15 The leftward nodes represent situations in which the reader is required to expend a lot of effort in deriving coherence from a text .
16 If the polyester , carbon-impregnated , pad which is used for adsorption of liquid and gaseous impurities is not replaced at the recommended interval of two weeks , due to the fine membrane of the pad clogging , the pump may find difficulty in drawing water through the filter and start to vibrate .
17 His words were the signal for Lord Hartington to send champagne in to the press room at Cheltenham , acknowledging the role of journalists in drawing attention to the problem .
18 However , in seeing hope beyond the pain of the moment , Skin have lost their greatest hold on us .
19 However , in seeing hope beyond the pain of the moment , Skin have lost their greatest hold on us .
20 But the committee said that in accepting sponsorship of the restoration work carried out on his pond , Mr Gummer received a benefit he should have registered .
21 Stoltenberg , in accepting appointment to the cabinet , gave up his post as UN High Commissioner for Refugees , which he had held since January 1990 [ see p. 36989 ] .
22 By June 17 the WFP had secured the co-operation of the Sudanese authorities in allowing relief into the area by river barge and by air from northern Kenya .
23 The black director Spike Lee has made a similar mistake in Malcolm X , not so much in characterisation but in allowing awe of the man who challenged white authority in America to come in the way of good film-making .
24 Real interest in the tradition was actually waning ; during the 1820s great difficulty was experienced in procuring money for a bull and the last Christmas run occurred in 1831 .
25 Everyone knows the value of loft insulation in keeping warmth inside the house , making it more comfortable and more economical to run .
26 From the practical point of view , the use of the leave of absence provisions can cause problems in keeping track of the renewal documentation , particularly if a doctor has a number of patients on leave of absence .
27 As Locke put it , in justifying rule by the majority , a community " being one body must move one way " .
28 The latter two levels are less obvious examples of isomorphic phenomena , and a model is adapted and developed to explain the pattern-matching involved in resolving meaning from a reading of a text .
29 Police , local authorities , schools and crime prevention teams are all involved in tackling crime around the workplace , and business should play a part in this effort .
30 ‘ The last man I sent to Winchester has had more success in gaining entrance to the castle than the others , ’ explained fitzCount .
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