Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [noun] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This suspension was justified by senior staff on the grounds that in producing grandiose schemes for the further development of the infrastructure it was neglecting the more important area of study skills and its pivotal role in articulating library resources with the curriculum .
2 The United States Senate voted by 75 to 25 on Oct. 19 to withhold half a US$85,000,000 military aid allocation for El Salvador in fiscal year 1991 , until the government of President Alfredo Cristiani ( i ) demonstrated its " good faith " in pursuing peace talks with the guerrillas of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) ; ( ii ) stopped the military or security forces abducting or assassinating civilians ; and ( iii ) effected a professional investigation into and prosecution of those responsible for the murders of six Jesuits , including the rector of the University of Central America , Ignacio Ellauria , their housekeeper and her daughter on Nov. 16 , 1989 [ see p. 37038 ] .
3 This paper gives details of the experience of the Electricity Council in using computer facilities during the negotiation of a Job Evaluation Scheme for 30,000 technical engineering staff .
4 The Labour Party itself , in sponsoring vigilante sleuths within the social security system , was implicated in this political realignment of wage-earners against the wageless .
5 It plays a key role in keeping city streets on the move and is even the object of the best modern designers ' desire .
6 Other decisions involving new operations include the rapid start up of Abbey National Life , the attraction of Jger Edv-Systeme , a small but significant software project from Germany , and the strong interest being expressed by two international hotel chains in establishing budget hotels in the city .
7 The decision was made in the form of new guidelines issued by the Education Ministry in approving school textbooks for the next three years .
8 Therefore , cell volume regulatory mechanisms might also play a major role in balancing ion fluxes across the two membranes .
9 The Offshore Supplies Office will continue to play an important role in promoting fair commercial opportunity in all oil and gas markets and in supporting EC initiatives for the creation of open and commercially fair markets .
10 Writing and reporting skills are now much more sophisticated than even five years ago , and much more is expected of nurses and health visitors in completing documentation , preparing care plans and relating progress and evaluation reports , and in providing background reports for the information and assistance of other health professionals .
11 Laud , in introducing ceremonial and surplices and in removing Communion tables from the body of the church to the chancel , claimed to be restoring the practices of the early Church .
12 Afterwards there was praise for Geoff Cocksedge , the man who leases the workshop , for his prompt action in removing welding cylinders from the burning building .
13 Anyone interested in joining Darlington Ramblers on the walk should meet the group at the Health Centre in Darlington at 8am .
14 They had actually chosen themselves to come in on the study and so they were obviously schools which were particularly interested in involving parents as much as they could , and erm they would all certainly have done as , probably as much as most schools in the country are doing as , as far as involving parents are concerned , both in having parent helpers in the classrooms , and in having organisations for parents and social events for parents of the , of the fundraising type .
15 But there were difficulties in recruiting DUP candidates from the leadership of the Free Presbyterian Church .
16 This report stated , inter alia , that efficiency auditing ‘ involves an evaluation of the effectiveness of administrative actions and decisions taken by management in achieving program objectives within the policy guidelines and legislative framework provided by government ’ .
17 He claimed it would allow Heseltine to avoid mentioning that Britain was lagging behind Europe in curbing carbon emissions in the run up to the general election .
18 This is best exemplified in our community education work where our idealism , our welcoming environment , our sensitive support for the handicapped and our initiatives in integrating special-needs students into the college are underpinned by hard-nosed accountancy and entrepreneurial activity .
19 It is possible to obtain some guidance in selecting project leaders from the work of J. Gooch of Brunel University .
20 ‘ In the days before lycra , we were very much more limited in finding leg yarns with the perfect fit , now lycra is the vital link between fashion leg and good function . ’
21 [ 10 ] in storing HyperCard objects in the data-base system ORACLE .
22 Much of the material extracted now is ground down for various manufacturing purposes , whilst there is a lively trade in making slate ornaments for the tourist industry .
23 On its second day , the conference 's declaration of its sovereignty in making executive decisions on the country 's future political system was followed by a walk-out by government delegates .
24 But the guts he has shown in resisting government plans for the body he has chaired from 1983 are far from academic .
25 In mid-January , the army Chief of Staff Gen. Asif Nawaz Janjua , on a week-long private visit to the USA at the invitation of the head of the US Central Command Gen. Joseph Hoar , was reported to have succeeded in winning US assurances on the continued supply of military spare parts .
26 The taxonomists have had some difficulty in placing tree shrews in the right zoological category .
27 Second , the purchasers of care need to be skilful in negotiating with providers and in specifying service contracts across the full range of NHS provision .
28 The research will be conducted in evolving product markets in the biotechnology and information technology industries .
29 Had the umpires gone too far in referring wear marks on the ball to the match referee during the luncheon interval ?
30 NURSES ' leaders yesterday accused the media of carrying out a witch hunt in exposing health workers with the AIDS virus .
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