Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [noun] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the government has made it clear that these ‘ planning purposes ’ powers ( which are of particular importance in bringing land on to the market ) are generally to be used to assist the private sector .
2 Such an argument proved powerfully attractive ; both the Whiggish Burnet and the Williamite Tory , Edmund Bohun , believed that arguments from conquest had the greatest effect in bringing people over to the new government .
3 The reverberations of the Super 8/Standard 8 controversy can still be detected ; institutions were encouraged to invest in the new film equipment , but found that some manufacturers persisted in producing material only in the earlier format ; the resultant collapse of confidence has not been easy to repair .
4 Marshes play an important part in keeping sediment out of the bay 's waters .
5 It was the water authority of Bradford that was largely instrumental in keeping Washburndale out of the National Parks .
6 The most important factor in keeping arrears down to the lowest possible level was exercising proper care in granting mortgage loans , checking the applicant 's income , his previous borrowing record , verifying that the property was relevant to the borrower 's needs and his ability to maintain it in good order .
7 Another finding that may prove useful in keeping children away from the wicked weed is that they are much influenced by parents , teachers and peers .
8 If private provision is considered acceptable , it is highly attractive in deflecting demand away from the public sector .
9 Until then Britain , which had taken the initiative in founding WEU out of the wreckage of the EDC , tended to place little credence in it .
10 The practical effect of it is to reduce the law 's interest in implying duties largely for the reason that public policy demands that an employee be free to work for whom he chooses .
11 The leadership of the NECC is well aware of the contradictions in urging children back into the overcrowded classrooms of a system still based on apartheid principles .
12 If habituation is involved in displacing preferences away from the familiar to individuals that are slightly different , then the learning process may be facilitated by the performance of precocious sexual behaviour which is common enough in humans ( Finkelhor , 1980 ) as it is in other animals .
13 In general , the Commons has had less success than the Congress in either developing its own sources of information or in forcing information out of the executive .
14 In fact , the king had some difficulty in extracting grants directly from the clergy .
15 I do not believe in moving power away from the people .
16 Thus anything the slightest bit controversial is left out as are , with a few exceptions , references to what private individuals and companies are doing in sending objects out of the Earth 's atmosphere in the interests either of research or for financial reward .
17 Unfortunately , difficulty is often experienced in getting fertilizer down to the roots without lifting and replanting in fresh compost or otherwise considerably fouling the water .
18 Er I therefore think that there should be a process by which the Secretary of State can be involved in getting people on to the police authority , but My Lords should those erm er people be in a position at any time to be the majority or the predominant voice on the authority .
19 She must have made a huge error in giving change somewhere along the line and she felt defeated .
20 This research , to enable identification of a released GEM — and its whereabouts — is essential because of the risks involved in letting GEMs out of the laboratory .
21 Singled out in particular has been the poor record of LEAs in involving parents effectively in the assessment process — something which the latest government circular on special educational needs seeks to redress .
22 You know because if you are going to ask an employer to enter into a contract between the between an individual employee , then really you 've got to give him some advantages to do that and I think that er I do n't know what the figures are or the number of final salary pension schemes that have been launched in the last couple of years , but I should think it be , be quite few and I think that there is a difficulty that if we go too far in taking power away from the er from the employer , erm then I , I can see the demise of final salary pension schemes , so I think one 's got to keep a balance there of erm you know that i that you must n't turn the employee off completely from this type of scheme .
23 Mr Doe insists that he is no opponent of privatisation as such and has no political axe to grind : ‘ I 'm not concerned who owns BR as such : there could be advantages in taking BR out of the public sector in terms of investment rules ’ , he said .
24 Tong , as he is known in Thailand , graduated from the classic Jimmy White academy of excellence and , in taking time off from the classroom and money off mugs , he , like White , enjoyed some memorable moments .
25 Van Til ( 1976 ) , in reviewing reports up to the 1970s , concludes that the seven Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education , proposed by the Commission on the Reorganisation of Secondary Education in 1918 , still apply .
26 But there it is , and outside and foreign firms will put money in , especially if subsidized by temporary government measures , for as you know , public investment in private industry is judged to be ideologically correct , while public investment for public and community concerns is judged ideologically to be harmful , but the firms are interested in making money out of the region if I may so put it , not in sustaining world promotion and healthy living in the region .
27 But the Soviet leader had rather more success in prising discussions out of the West in that a foreign ministers ' conference was held about Germany in mid-1959 in Geneva .
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