Example sentences of "in [num] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 With the passage of the Poor Law Amendment Act in 1834 the condition of labourers deteriorated still further .
2 But , as chart 11 shows , in 1982–89 the growth in dividends slowed in the stabler industries where most of the takeovers and borrowing were taking place and where profits were rising , while it accelerated in cyclical industries .
3 Reiman ( 1979 : 75 ) estimates that in 1972 the number of persons in the USA dying from occupational hazards ( diseases and accidents ) was 114,000 , whereas only 20,600 died from being shot , cut , beaten , or poisoned , and being recorded as a homicide case .
4 In 1972 the number of houses used as second homes in Britain as a whole was estimated at 372000 , but it is believed that this number has declined in recent years due to the inflation in house prices since that date .
5 Widdicombe ( 1986 , vol. 1 , table 2.1 ) revealed that in 1985 the proportion of councils in party political control had risen to 84 per cent , hence in ‘ many , perhaps most … councils the party group ’ which rarely figures on organization charts — ‘ has become the focus of political decision ’ ( Alexander , 1982a , p. 97 ) .
6 According to Danas ( 9 September 1986 ) , in 1985 the number of persons subject to this tax was a little over 13,000 ( compared with about 9 million persons in employment or self-employment in that year ) , and the tax raised was about 1 3 billion dinars ( compared with a total gross public revenue in that year of 3,736 billion dinars ) .
7 At the decade 's start everything was gloom and doom , cutbacks the order of the day since in 1979 the number of commuters going into London dropped for the tenth successive year .
8 In six the electroencephalogram between events was normal but recordings during events showed epileptic activity preceding the onset of prolonged apnoeic pauses or irregular breathing patterns , with falls in Sao 2 .
9 His first book , Specimens of the Geometrical Mosaic of the Middle Ages , appeared in 1848 , and in 1849 the Society of Arts , of which Prince Albert was President , commissioned him to write a report on the eleventh Paris Exhibition .
10 The figures showed that in 1981-91 the area of vegetables grown in England and Wales fell by 10 per cent but the area treated with pesticides increased by 40 per cent ; the volume used fell by 10 per cent , as pesticides became less bulky .
11 In 1922 the percentage of households without even a plough was 32.7 in the Central Industrial Region , 33.6 in the Siberian guberniia of Omsk , and 55.8 in the guberniia of Tsaritsyn to the south of Saratov .
12 From importing 10% of demand in 1978 the level of imports increased to almost 30% in 1983 .
13 From 175 out of 450 county cricketers in 1949 the number of amateurs fell to 72 out of 370 in 1961 .
14 Will the Minister confirm that since the previous election in 1987 the number of youngsters in primary schools who are taught in classes of more than 30 has increased by 100,000 ?
15 Between 1977 and 1981 , the season For hunting Dall 's porpoise Increased from 4 months to 10 months , and in 1987 the number of boats hunting the dolphins and porpoises in the area increased from 200 to 350 .
16 In 1843 the Government set up a Royal Commission on the Health of Towns ; in 1844 the Health of Towns Association was founded , whose central committee included Disraeli and Lord John Manners , the other moving spirit in the Young England Movement , characterized as Lord Henry Sydney in Coningsby .
17 By the third census in 1763 the number of households had reduced to 500 , and the inhabitants to roughly 3,000 .
18 In 1982 the Conference of Bishops of England and Wales asked for a new Religious Education programme that would reflect this thinking .
19 In a quiet period after the end of the Second World War in 1945 the Secretary of Commissions , responsible for the appointment of the lay magistracy over the country as a whole , found that days passed when no letter came into his office and no letter went out .
20 In 1937 the number of births and level of fertility did rise .
21 For example , among income support recipients in 1989 the ratio of women to men increased from being roughly equal among those aged 60–9 , to three to one in the 70–9 age group , to 4.6 to one for those aged 80 and over ( DSS , 1991 , p. 28 ) .
22 In 1989 the proportion of pensioners who had been in receipt of income support for three years or more was nearly double that for younger adults ( 76 per cent as against 39 per cent ) ( DSS , 1991 , p. 44 ) .
23 In 1989 the rate of prisoners per 100,000 inhabitants was 422 , considerably in excess , as reported in this volume , of the rates for South Africa ( 373 ) and Poland ( 177 ) .
24 In 1988 the range of modules included two-term doubles , one-term doubles ( used for school experience on the BEd ) , two-term singles , three-term singles ( used in music performance modules ) and three-term doubles ( used in languages ) .
25 Since the CNAA approved external examiners , it is worth noting that in 1968–69 the number of examiners from universities was 461 , with eight from colleges and forty-three others .
26 After 10 years nothing had happened , so in 1968 the Institute of Trademarks Agents called for urgent action .
27 The United States began to buy more consumer goods from abroad than it exported in 1959 ; by 1969 the deficit was $4 billion ; in 1968 the balance on cars became negative .
28 Yet the First World War produced exactly the opposite result : after an initial rise from 120,000 in 1914 to 600,000 in 1915 the number of children taking meals fell to 75,000 in 1918 — caused , of course , by the fact that improved employment opportunities and higher real wages brought about by the war economy lifted an increasing number of parents above the eligibility level .
29 In 1905 the number of women charged with public indecency rose dramatically .
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