Example sentences of "in [num] [conj] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is even a photograph of the boathouse at the same time , sitting in splendid isolation near Gimlet Rock in 1891 and contrasting with the more built-up scene in another photograph taken almost 100 years later .
2 In 1893 while recovering from a bout of influenza he wrote You will see from this heading that I am not dead yet , nor likely to be .
3 He claimed to have been at the Munich Olympics in 1972 while serving with the US Army , and seemed particularly proud of a photograph of himself in officer 's uniform ( without apparently realising that the insignia were incorrect ) .
4 Fukase 's series RAVENS preoccupied him for ten years , beginning with a chance photograph of a flock of crows on his native Hokkaido in 1975 and culminating in the publication of 62 photographs in 1986 .
5 Bridgeman was educated at Eton ( 1877–84 ) , becoming captain of Oppidans , and at Trinity College , Cambridge , entering with an open classical scholarship in 1884 and graduating with a second class ( division I ) in part i of classical tripos in 1887 .
6 He learned to knit clothes for himself and others , and on the wall of his Stuttgart home there hung a big , beautifully designed and stitched carpet which he made in 1952 while recovering from an illness .
7 After winning the Yorkshire Amateur Championship in 1973 and playing in the Walker Cup it was uphill all the way topped off with Ryder Cup success during the Eighties .
8 He enjoys creeping past the back gardens of his neighbours , spotting the gleaming milk pails in one and listening to the notes of a bass viol coming from another .
9 The spy , referred to in the report only by his US code name " Donald F. " , had been recruited by the US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) in 1961 while working at the Soviet mission to the United Nations in New York .
10 Paula , aged twenty-three in 1945 and working for the Worcester Brass Company in Birmingham , had no hesitation in sticking up for herself : The report adds : ‘ Paula is living a very bright life with plenty of entertainment and dancing , but she knows how many beans make five ! ,
11 A member of the Islington branch for six months in 1974 while working as a Foreign Office diplomat , Davies owned a flat in the same house as Chris Smith , currently a member of Labour 's Treasury team .
12 After the coup which established Edward III on the throne in 1330 he once again became an active royal agent , serving as envoy to France in 1331 and fighting in the Scottish campaigns of the mid-1330s .
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