Example sentences of "in [num] [conj] [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As the government exceeded its monetary targets and unemployment soared , so critics in 1980 and 1981 waited for a U-turn , or a change in economic strategy .
2 Sales strategy and the fame of Ann Radcliffe [ q.v. ] probably account for other ascriptions and half-ascriptions to Mary Ann Radcliffe , first made in 1802 though some refer to 1790 .
3 The US helicopter manufacturer Sikorsky signed an agreement with Turkey reported to be worth US$1,100 million on Dec. 8 for the sale and co-production of Black Hawk helicopters ; 45 were to be delivered in 1993 and 50 produced in Turkey over four years .
4 His support of plots against Beaton in 1544 and 1545 came to fruition in May 1546 , when a group of Fifeshire lairds headed by Norman Leslie , son of the earl of Rothes , broke into the episcopal castle at St Andrews , murdered the cardinal and slung his body over the castle walls ; the murderers , henceforth known as the Castalians , barricaded themselves inside the castle , which they held as a Protestant stronghold .
5 The old Norman church was taken down in 1819 and another built on the site .
6 Willys , who had been imprisoned in 1654 and 1655 had in fact reached an understanding with John Thurloe [ q.v . ] ,
7 The company began rating suppliers in 1984 and 1990 moved to a more sophisticated system with the introduction of its supplier Quality Management Process .
8 A view of Huddersfield Junction , Penistone in 1981 as 76007/26 clatter across the pointwork with empties for Wath yard .
9 Various of the committees on such topics that the society instituted in 1663 and 1664 met at his lodgings at Arundel House , notably the agricultural or georgical committee .
10 This may manifest itself as verbal fireworks , overt pushiness or in one or other going for the ‘ wise elder statesman ’ role implying that she/he is the real source of any decision .
11 Dury is writing new songs , in period English , for a production of A Jovial Crew , a play which was written in 1641 and last performed in 1724 .
12 The countries of the European Community used 1.7 million tonnes of fertiliser in 1953 but this grew to 8.9 million tonnes by 1982 .
13 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome claimed 1,593 babies in 1988 but this fell to 1,008 last year with the mortality rate dropped from 2.30 per thousand to just 1.44 .
14 Gross national product ( GNP ) was expected to grow by about 6 per cent in 1990 but this had to be seen against a similar percentage inflation rate .
15 In addition to suffering the longstanding US economic blockade , Cuba has found itself in 1990 and 1991 coming to terms with new threats to its economic viability .
16 Nudes , still lifes and interiors are his accustomed subjects and Marlborough has gathered examples of these done in 1990 and 1991 to show from 7 May until 6 June .
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