Example sentences of "in [noun prp] are [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Kestrels breeding in Sussex are thought to be resident , but winter status needs further and more exact investigation ; some changes may have occurred since 1938 .
2 In England and Wales they 'll have to pay up to double the Poll Tax on any empty farm cottages they own , although farmers in Scotland are going to be exempt from this .
3 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what information he has on how the nuclear weapons in Ukraine are going to be controlled by the Soviet Union following the independence vote .
4 Refugee camps here in Amman are said to be crammed to capacity , the authorities are growing more and more concerned about the numbers of Asian refugees , Indians , Bangladeshis , Pakistanis , Philippinos and Thais .
5 Owners of rare pets in Thailand are believed to be killing them off in order to escape prosecution under new legislation which forbids the collection of endangered species .
6 However , only those who believe in God are allowed to be the King 's officials .
7 The stones at the Merry Maidens stone circle in Cornwall are said to be musicians who accelerated their pace until they became petrified with exhaustion .
8 According to a DCDA telephone survey four places in Stockton are said to be very rarely vacant and 21 on North Tyneside , due to be ready from April , are already subject to a long waiting list .
9 COUNCIL tax bills in Darlington are set to be at least £75 more per property than Government projections , councillors heard yesterday .
10 COUNCIL tax bills in Darlington are expected to be at least £75 more than the Government 's projections , councillors heard yesterday .
11 NEW GUIDELINES for the development of golf courses in Dyfed are set to be approved by county councillors this week , following a period of public consultation .
12 Losses in connection with the Los Angeles riots in April are estimated to be around [ 5m , net of reinsurance .
13 Now that Czechoslovakia is stepping out of the Stalinist ice-box , nationalist voices in Slovakia are beginning to be heard again .
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