Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Removing Southcom headquarters from Quarry Heights , a hill with a commanding view over Panama City and the canal , will still leave 13,000 American troops in Panama dispersed among nine bases .
2 The Hugh Bell School in Middlesbrough opened on 7th January 1895 with 7 scholars as a deaf class in a cold , cramped room near the magistrates ' courts — who were wont to complain frequently about the noise from the alleyway between the classroom and the courts where the children played .
3 Take the case of Essex Junior School in Newham described in Spare Rib issue 55 :
4 Outside Parliament in the early 1980s , she was a prominent member of the hard Left , and at a Tribune rally in Brighton rounded on fellow Left-wingers , including Neil Kinnock , who had not voted for Tony Benn in the deputy leadership contest against Denis Healey .
5 It was regarded by the authorities as the latest stage of a blood-feud which had begun over the purchase of a house , and which had already in March resulted in three deaths [ see p. 38840 ] .
6 Constitutional restrictions on deployment of German troops beyond the NATO area were criticized by Kohl , who in March pressed for constitutional changes to allow German troops to join international military operations [ but see p. 38199 for SPD congress vote on issue ] .
7 Talks in Whitehall aimed at restoring trade union rights to thousands of workers have collapsed after months of secret negotiations .
8 Talks in Whitehall aimed at restoring trade union rights to thousands of workers have collapsed after months of secret negotiations .
9 Production of cotton in Uganda grew from 20,000 bales in 1920 to 400,000 in 1935 ; exports of palm oil from Zaire grew from 40,000 tonnes in 1915 to 150,000 tonnes in 1935 .
10 ‘ At one stage a Silkworm missile launched from an Iraqi shore battery in Kuwait passed within 600 yards of us .
11 Mrs M Watson of Wimborne in Dorset sent in this tip to us .
12 In October last year Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire closed for essential repairs and maintenance .
13 Aguinaldo was in January suspended for 60 days for supporting the December 1989 coup attempt by rebel troops [ see pp. 37120-21 ] .
14 However , attempts to push through a programme for the privatization of the banking sector in January foundered on legal difficulties , while on Feb. 19 police in Karachi clashed with union activists protesting against the government 's plans to sell off state-owned industries .
15 Only Dalmatia and a tiny enclave in Montenegro remained outside Turkish control .
16 Another project Towards Environmental Competence in Scotland funded by Scottish Enterprise and the World Wild Life Fund , was successfully completed and significantly informed the Secretary of State 's Working Party on Environmental Education .
17 There was no mention in the treaty , however , either of the estates in Scotland granted to English lords by Edward I and lost as Bruce gained control of the country , or of the Scottish lands held by Anglo-Scottish lords such as the Earl of Angus and forfeited when they adhered to the English cause .
18 No one in Scotland voted for this measure .
19 Mr Shamir arrives in Washington appalled by this disloyalty .
20 Although it had been conceived originally as a means of reducing illegal practices during the process of distillation , the ‘ Coffey still ’ had obvious commercial advantages , but his efforts to introduce it in Ireland met with little success , and it was in Scotland that it first became popular in the 1840s .
21 Jean Walsh ( left ) , from Bangor , is in two of the safest hands in Ireland pictured beside legendary goalkeeper Pat Jennings as she and colleague Barbara Blundell launch a charity duck derby scheduled for Belvoir Park this Saturday afternoon .
22 Before his education was completed , the situation in Ireland degenerated into sporadic rebellion .
23 In primitive societies with small , self-sufficient units there was no differentiation between centre and periphery , and it could be argued that many peasants in Russia remained at this level of perception during NEP .
24 Pre-final spec T9000-based versions will ship in June/July followed by final spec versions in the fourth quarter .
25 On Oct. 23 police in Colombo clashed with Moslem demonstrators who had responded to a strike call by the Sri Lanka Moslem Congress ( SLMC ) in protest against the massacre .
26 In addition to hundreds of parish libraries in England endowed in this way there were over thirty founded by Dr Bray in America , the largest being in Annapolis .
27 But such tenancies were very often extremely informal , as those devoted to the cause of improving the state of agriculture in England emphasised with growing intensity from the middle of the nineteenth century .
28 Apart from rifling the chests of the Excise offices in the towns they had occupied , the Scots had while in England behaved with remarkable correctness , but now they were increasingly described as thieves and ruffians , an attitude epitomised by the verses written about a group of Yorkshire sportsmen who formed themselves into a unit of amateur warriors known as ‘ The Royal Hunters ’ :
29 Between 1881 and 1891 the most rapid population growth in England occurred in four London suburbs : Leyton ( 133·3 per cent ) , Willesden ( 121·9 per cent ) , Tottenham ( 95·1 per cent ) and West Ham ( 58·9 per cent ) .
30 At the greatest depth in Jupiter penetrated by direct measurements the temperature is about 170 K and is rising along the adiabatic lapse-rate .
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