Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [noun prp] [modal v] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Durham county councillors decided at a private meeting yesterday that the club building in Duke Street should be repossessed .
2 The Georgian Supreme Soviet on Jan. 9 unanimously rejected Gorbachev 's decree as " gross interference " in Georgia 's internal affairs , and it was announced that , far from withdrawing , the Georgian police units in South Ossetia would be reinforced .
3 There is a road along the glen to its head and , although the sight and sound of motor cars in places of quiet beauty is always a disturbing distraction , the road in Glen Nevis must be accepted because it gives an opportunity to inactive or disabled visitors to see the natural wonders and splendours of this spectacular defile between high mountain ranges .
4 On that assumption , Theunis Krankoor 's arrival in Cape Town can be placed within a period of about fifteen years , after the implementation of the full Napoleonic legal code in the Netherlands and before the birth of his first child , James , who , according to his wedding and death registrations , was born in the Cape Colony about 1823 or 1824 .
5 Further details for routes in East Lothian can be obtained from the Leisure , Recreation & Tourism Department of East Lothian District Council by telephoning .
6 The approximately 370,000 Soviet troops remaining in East Germany would be withdrawn in three to four years , a process for which Germany would provide financial assistance .
7 On the other hand Helmut Schlesinger , the vice-president of the Bundesbank , explained that under the Bundesbank proposals wages in East Germany would be increased first by around 30 per cent before the 2:1 rate was applied .
8 Mr Modrow added that political prisoners held in East Germany would be released before Christmas in a further gesture of goodwill .
9 THE East German leader , Erich Honecker , yesterday compared unrest in his country to China 's pro-democracy uprising earlier this year , and said that any attempt to undermine communism in East Germany would be doomed to failure .
10 Therefore the connection between these and the work of revelation and restoration in Jesus Christ must be explored , the ‘ point of contact ’ which they offer for the advent of divine grace must be found .
11 Under the compassionate , egalitarian , principled Kaufman scheme , no one in Hong Kong will be given the right of abode in Britain .
12 Alistair Asprey , Hong Kong 's Secretary for Security , forecast that all illegal Vietnamese immigrants in Hong Kong could be repatriated by 1995 .
13 A guarantee that all rents raised in West Lothian will be spent in West Lothian and a rent guarantee that is linked to inflation .
14 But Liverpool City Council still fosters hopes that the former United Biscuit factory in Edge Lane will be accepted as part of the Manchester Olympic bid , even though it is 35 miles from the proposed host city .
15 A greenbelt agreed in principle by the Secretary of State but yet to be defined statutorily , a general absence of consensus on where future development in Greater York should be located , and increasing intervention by the Secretary of State on planning applications in Greater York .
16 So guide books on London , the stately homes of England , places of historical interest and beauty spots in Great Britain should be studied .
17 Bernard , appreciative that Laura in New York would be treated as a queen of design , an extraordinary superwoman who had singlehandedly achieved it all , accordingly decided not to go on this trip .
18 AB 's nostro account with BAB in New York would be credited with $ 10,000 while AB 's nostro account with
19 Only around 20% of the French paintings and drawings seen in New York will be used for the London exhibition .
20 Mr Robert Maxwell suggests that some aspects of the successful ambulatory care initiative in New York could be adapted by the capital 's primary care providers while the secondary services might learn from the rationalisation of specialist services in Paris .
21 Castro did , however , mention Cuba 's desire for trade relations and Alekseev , presumably perceiving this to be the best way forward , suggested that the Soviet trade exhibition then in New York should be brought to Havana , and that Anastas Mikoian might come for the opening ( Bourne : 1987 , p. 189 ) .
22 But it also reflected a different kind of population ; certainly , none of the parents of my school friends in St. Albans could be described as intellectuals .
23 It was announced on Nov. 30 that the British Army presence in Northern Ireland would be increased by 500-600 troops , in view of " firm intelligence " indicating a likely increase in bombings and shootings by both republican and loyalist paramilitaries before Christmas .
24 The Northern Ireland Secretary , Sir Patrick Mayhew , has told the Commons that the Government had a duty to respond to IRA overtures on how the conflict in Northern Ireland could be ended .
25 People resident in Northern Ireland will be governed by the Labour Party when it comes to power .
26 I thoroughly agree with my hon. Friend that peace in Northern Ireland will be hastened by a healthy economy and by a well-trained work force .
27 fifty women from two hospitals in Northern Ireland will be recruited to the study .
28 FARMERS in Northern Ireland will be paid to allow more public access to land designated as environmentally sensitive under proposals unveiled today by Agriculture Minister John Gummer .
29 One day the troubles in Northern Ireland will be known all over the world , and the British will have to listen to us .
30 The predictable ineffectiveness of the nationalist vote in Northern Ireland can be used to justify rejection not just of a particular government but of the whole constitutional structure which maintains the inclusion of Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom rather than in a new all-Ireland state .
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