Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [subord] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 From about July 1988 to March 1989 inclusive the first defendant entered into transactions with members of the United Kingdom investing public who paid out money thereunder in return for shares in Euramco as appears from the entries for that period in the schedule annexed hereto .
2 In addition it offers the latest avalanche conditions in Scotland as supplied by the Scottish Mountain Safety Group , and winter climbing conditions in the major Scottish centres .
3 More people were put to death in Ireland than died in the French revolutionary Terror of the time .
4 Current average hourly earnings in Cheshire as compared with the North West and the rest of England are as follows :
5 It was necessary to exercise a restraining hand in Seoul while proceeding with the programme recommended by the NSC and accepted by President Truman .
6 Ates suggests that Molla Yegan thus met Molla Gurani not in Egypt but perhaps in Aleppo while returning from the pilgrimage and that the story about their meeting in Cairo was concocted in order to make Molla Yegan 's more desirable .
7 A second difference concerns the single union-management channel for handling regulative issues in Britain as opposed to the dual , but clearly differentiated , system in Germany between the works council structure and that provided by the union and employer .
8 Although private residential homes are typically independent family businesses , if the same happens in Britain as happened in the United States , then large companies may come to occupy a bigger share of the market .
9 There are a total of 26 simple instructions in RISC as compared with the 243 in the VAX complex instruction set and there are no addressing modes .
10 The House will recall that a computer scientist , Mr. Melvyn Davies , was clubbed and slashed in Oxford while going to the help of his girl friend , who had herself been stabbed in the body and in the face .
11 This collaboration between DEC and ACRI will play a key role in building a competitive high performance computing infrastructure in Europe as reflected in the European Commission 's recent Rubbia Report ’ — the European Commission asked Professor Carlo Rubbia to chair a committee of experts from industry and public research laboratories to assess Europe 's standing with respect to high performance computing and networking .
12 This practice was very widespread in Kursk as opposed to the Smolensk guberniia .
13 In the Whirlwind , the chances are you 'll feel much more comfortable doing the ski bars in Aviemore than walking in the hills , or even down the high street at home .
14 He was conversing merrily in English at a reception during the European Cup meeting , but several weeks later in Rome when confronted by the television team he seemed to lose his linguistic powers .
15 The bill identifies much of the blame for the tremendously high rate of deforestation in India as belonging to the adivasis or tribal peoples , who have been systematically marginalised and impoverished for over a thousand years , and who have now retreated into the mountains and remaining forests of central India ( a close-up case study is provided of a tribal group , the Sora , in sect. 7.4 ) .
16 Between , there is cricket in India as played by the 16th Light Infantry , there is English cricket , there is W.G. Grace , there is Ruskin Spear 's brooding painting of Fred Trueman , there is Seaton Carew in 1888 and Ryton in 1912 .
17 Overseas candidates who are applying from the following countries are advised to submit their applications to UCCA through the appropriate overseas students ' office in London as listed in an appendix to the UCCA handbook : Cyprus , Ghana ( private candidates only ) , Guyana , India , Luxembourg , Mauritius , Tanzania and Thailand .
18 ‘ Of course , one can say a lot now , ’ said Kieslowki last February in Berlin when asked about the impact of Glasnost .
19 Whether it 's the Police Band or one from a nearby mill town , there are fewer nicer ways to end a summer day in Leeds than to sit in a deckchair at sunset , listening to the haunting sound of the trumpets and trombones .
20 Moreover even if these sceptical grumblings are set to one side , are we to interpret the proposition that there has been a secular rise in NAIRU as pointing to a rise in the natural unemployment rate ?
21 He 'd been staying at a bail hostel in Gloucester whilst waiting for the case to come to court .
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