Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [modal v] [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 It could not be said that a peace had been finally made because old habits in Alexandra would not die a final death and made her still reserved , a little wary .
2 MANAGEMENT of Timex Electronics in Dundee will tomorrow seek a new court order on union officials in the continuing dispute which has seen 340 workers dismissed .
3 Canoeists and boaters who use the last freely navigable river in England could soon need a licence before getting on the water .
4 The greater likelihood of their being admitted to an institution in Ipswich may well reflect a greater availability of beds or of places in residential accommodation , as well as a different attitude towards home care on the part of the psychogeriatrician ( researchers ' fieldnotes indicated that he was more preoccupied by the notion of patients being ‘ at risk ’ in the community than was the case with the Newham psychogeriatrician ) .
5 This was yet another most unusual event , as not too many preserved railways in Britain can actually operate a demonstration freight using industrial steam power .
6 Napoleon was to find that the best roads in Europe could not create a European market .
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