Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Created in Germany and made in the USA , this fun-fly soft kite comes in Snoopy and Red Baron variations .
2 Born in Germany and raised around the Chiltern Hills , Robert is no ‘ fair dinkum ’ Aussie , but holds dual citizenship after about 10 years down under .
3 Ostwald in Germany and Bancroft in the United States , who held dominant positions in the world of physical chemistry , especially as editors of the principal journals , were influential in promoting such ideas .
4 Their conclusions are based on two cradle-to-grave studies conducted in Germany and financed by the company .
5 This would result in the price increasing in Germany and falling in the UK .
6 In late October 1938 , some 15,000 Jews of Polish extraction were taken from their homes in Germany and dumped across the Polish border .
7 If you look at sexually reproducing organisms , and you do n't move about too much — erm I mean you just sit in Sussex and look at the birds — then by and large you do n't have any doubt at all to what species any particular belongs .
8 For the first two months I lived with a French family in Fontainebleau and studied with a Commandant Lettaure , who was coaching fifteen other young Englishmen .
9 Brannen , now working in Stoke and competing for the city 's athletics club , agreed to represent his new home county in the pole vault and high jump before team manager Bill McGuirk contacted him with an invitation to be the NorthEast 's 110 metres hurdler .
10 Mr Jumblatt 's forces , together with the Syrians , were in the front line of the confrontation with Christian forces — General Aoun 's ‘ war of liberation ’ - which began in March and lasted until the Arab League-sponsored ceasefire last month .
11 The second session began in March and finished at the end of July , and this was called the Summer Term , though in fact it was still extremely cold and wintry when term began .
12 We can legitimately ask what does a senior official based in Whitehall and acting as a policy adviser to a minister have in common with an administrative officer working in a local branch of the Department of Social Security other than the fact that they are both civil servants ?
13 It remained to be seen whether these four armies could be united before Negus Mikael could blockade Ras Lul Seged and Fitaurari Gelli in Ankober and advance into the plain of Debra Berhan where the first battle was expected to take place .
14 Glad of our meeting in Vancouver and hope for a reunion in New York , Moscow , Samarkand or the Volga ’ .
15 From about July 1988 to March 1989 inclusive the first defendant entered into transactions with members of the United Kingdom investing public who paid out money thereunder in return for shares in Euramco as appears from the entries for that period in the schedule annexed hereto .
16 In 435 , as we have already mentioned , Nestorius was removed from his position in Constantinople and exiled to the Egyptian desert .
17 Whether you live in Northamptonshire or come to the area as a visitor , for business or leisure , the expertise of the County 's Tourist Guides will help you get to know this varied County better , and even help you find out more about the areas you thought you knew .
18 In 1884 , disenchanted with his life at Eton , Salt decided to live at Tilford in Surrey and concentrate on a simple life , following his many interests in the field of humanitarianism .
19 One of these brothers , George Mould ( 1843–1908 ) , was born in Whitchurch and worked as a railway clerk before he went in search of a new life on the other side of the world .
20 No , the true hard luck tale can be related by jockey Andrew Adams , 27 , who missed the winning ride after smashing his left knee in a fall at Doncaster in February and remains on the sidelines for the rest of the season .
21 The new equipment was delivered to Fettes Row during the first week in February and located in the East machine room .
22 The accused left his clothes on a beach in Miami and resurfaced under a false identity in Australia .
23 The campaign will be launched in January and reinforced at the Area Service Conference in February .
24 The family acquired property in Spain and entertained on a surprisingly lavish scale .
25 At one stage Glasser is invited to look at a tenement close — by Bernard , a Communist who was to fight in Spain and return with an altered mind .
26 Once the Munich Agreement of October 1938 appeared to dash any such prospect , Stalin lost interest in Spain and help for the by then desperate Republic dried up .
27 , Isaac ( d. 1699 ) , Hebrew scholar and bibliophile , was born in Spain and taken at an early age to Hamburg .
28 The new magazine is produced in Tyneside and printed in the region and chairman of the editorial board in Durham CIU Branch secretary Jack Amos who commented : ‘ We are very pleased with the reception the new Journal has received .
29 It is likely that John was responsible for rebuilding the keep of Durham Castle , and the Crown in 1378 appointed him to carry out works at the castles of Carlisle and Roxburgh , the latter in Scotland but held by the English from 1346 until 1460 .
30 There were few Marxists in the ILP but it was disproportionately strong in Scotland and came under the domination of the " Clydesider " MPs returned in 1922 , from acutely overcrowded and poor constituencies which seemed to call for extreme social measures .
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