Example sentences of "in [det] [noun pl] [conj] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 It we further remark the way sexual difference is oft en presented within psychoanalysis as unavoidable and ineluctably fraught with pain , so much so in some cases that it warrants description as a tragic ontology , it becomes tempting to dismiss it as an expression of existential Angst suitably dressed in pretentious intellectual rigour and elegant abstraction , and , as such ( some might add ) , the epitome of psychoanalysis itself .
2 Some parents will be very upset , in some cases because it cuts across their genuine convictions .
3 It is certainly true that it is worth ‘ pooling ’ sovereignty in some areas since it makes more sense to do this than to act independently .
4 On the other hand , this lower molecular weight is an advantage in some applications since it means that extruded sheet thermoforms more easily than cast sheet . ’
5 One company commented that the attitude to the information in such studies as it purchases is often one of ‘ how interesting ’ , rather than one of seeking to put the information to use .
6 Unless otherwise indicated , therefore , this questionnaire is asking for information about courses which aim to improve teachers ' or trainee teachers ' understanding and awareness of the nature of human ability-orientated courses , either in teaching methods for language teaching or in communication for all teachers — but information given should not refer to work in these areas unless it has been specifically asked for .
7 There are difficulties in these techniques and it has proved more effective most of the time to use techniques which involve perception rather than direct interference with brain processes .
8 For more than half the road up you climb between more beech forests — the beech flourishes in these parts because it likes the moisture — and in spring or autumn you get that seasonal effect , whereby the trees that are only starting to turn brown at the foot of the pass are already losing many of their leaves at the top , or alternatively are still half-wintry at the top when already fully greened lower down .
9 Nature conservation is not a primary policy aim in these Parks but it tends to follow as a secondary consideration from the primary aims which are to conserve the social and cultural heritage of the Region , improve employment and make more use of the Region for recreation and education .
10 The town has always been a primary IRA target but this is the first time in many years that it has singled out the commercial centre .
11 The word ‘ mothering ’ is sexist in many contexts because it reinforces the ‘ natural ’ connection of women with children and childcare — a connection that feminists have criticised , since under our present social arrangements it has the entirely sexist consequences of defining non-mothers as non-women , restricting women 's opportunities to do other things if they wish , exploiting their unpaid labour and in some cases causing them to be seen as less important than the children they give birth to .
12 Let's be honest , I did n't wan na see good sections , I wan na see strong sections , I wan na see vibrant sections , but I also want to see the truth in those documents when it comes back afterwards , so I 'm disappointed on this issue and er I hope something in future will be done about to report the real things that we discussed at conference as well .
13 In those countries where it prevails , Marxist absolutism has led to the suppression of individuality to the point where dissent and criticism are crimes against the State and punishable by imprisonment or by internal exile , or madness to be treated in mental hospitals ; where art and science must conform to the State 's perception of their supportive purposes ; where the measure of morality is no longer ‘ what if this day thy soul is required of thee ? ’ but ‘ does it serve the system ? ’
14 But as we shall see in Chapter 6 more flexible planning policies are required if the low-wage rural economy is to be alleviated and rural depopulation to be assuaged in those areas where it remains a problem .
15 The view of human nature as fundamentally aggressive can be expected to prevail in those domains where it corresponds with social and cultural ideology .
16 The concern of the authorities is that a dominant firm will price aggressively in those markets where it faces actual or potential competition with the intention of seeing off the competition .
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