Example sentences of "in [det] [noun] and it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Pat Palmer would like to establish an emergency telephone chain in each Area and it is hoped that every Area Organiser will be able to set one up by the Autumn using the same overlap list as for collecting class statistics .
2 Er , to give some , but none of us have worked in that environment and it 's not something we 're familiar with .
3 Er Brian has already confirmed that er he will support the Conservative resolution which in effect recognises that some of the changes in government regulation over the past er decade has not always turned out for the best er this County in particular order er other asked the Secretary of State to re to relieve some of the pressures that generates in that area and it 's for that reason er
4 There were n't many secrets in that neighbourhood and it is a wonder that Mud 's own was kept for so long .
5 asking if it 's in that booklet and it is n't , is it ?
6 Very few general hospital units , however , have recognized how important this service was to individual patients and now it usually falls to a beleaguered social worker to take on the complex task of sorting out welfare benefits ; social workers are not , however , experts in this field and it is a time-consuming task that few of them relish .
7 In particular in this country and it 's also the same in France and Germany .
8 Temples are revered in this way and it is not uncommon to observe a priest in prayer moving clockwise around a sacred enclosure , or a Stupa .
9 Further research is needed in this area and it is possible that important abnormalities in the ‘ modulating ’ apoproteins may be found .
10 That 's what this house is here for , it is here to introduce primary legislation if we need it and in my view we do need it in this area and it is it 's high time the government recognised that and should not be afraid t t t to take action simply because primary legislation is required .
11 Indirectly , therefore , air quality is frequently considered to some extent in this strategy and it is seldom found in its pure form .
12 The Drowning Pool , that 's Paul Newman and , and Janet erm , Joanne Woodward , that 's the one where you get trapped in this place and it 's filling with water .
13 One , one thing because it 's crucial in in what was originally proposed in this motion and it 's the lie that public sector housing , local authority housing is subsidised in preference to private sector housing .
14 We English have an important advantage over foreigners in this respect and it is for this reason that when you think of a great butler , he is bound , almost by definition , to be an Englishman .
15 There is alot of talent in this town and it is good for people to hear it .
16 This is important to stress , because the tradition of over.selling still persists in some quarters and it is possible to find extravagantly foolish predictions and claims within the educational technology literature , which will be a considerable embarrassment to the many sensible and imaginative teachers who have applied the method and found it helpful to them .
17 Most likely a first-time father has never seen a person in such pain and it 's also the person he loves most .
18 Soldiers , right , stab her and they 're all dying and then you see the head like it 's just all dressed up in these things and it 's Arnie underneath it and he takes the head off
19 Events move swiftly in these films and it 's very easy to miss things .
20 I know the people in these bands and it 's nothing different to what I grew up with .
21 They know that their children are stronger than them in many ways and it is hard for them to come to terms with that and still keep their dignity and self-respect .
22 The riders are not strapped to the car in any way and it 's clear that falling off would have serious consequences .
23 You sit high in any case and it 's just as well — you need to be able to see the big car 's extremities .
24 The land speculation lobby is extremely powerful both economically and politically in most countries and it is difficult to implement any policy that harms its interest .
25 In spite of the revival of interest in airships now they can be filled with cheap helium , they are still unattractive in most circles and it is no good quoting the figures for people killed in airship crashes against those killed every day on the roads and similar statistics , or the successful career of the R100 , although filled with hydrogen .
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