Example sentences of "in [noun sg] over [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However in practice deterioration of stock inevitably sets in , through a variety of factors : original errors or omissions in selection ( for the reasons suggested above ) ; poor control of withdrawals and replacements ; fluctuations in funding over a period of years ; fluctuations in demand caused by changes in the constituency , or changes in their needs .
2 Negotiations were still in progress over the division of the Fleet , with Ukraine , Russia and Georgia all demanding a share .
3 and there 's a white one coming in look over the end of the jetty there
4 Railway buffs have watched in horror over the years as the office crumbled into an eyesore .
5 There had been a staggering decrease in difficulty over a century in the largest Swedish daily , Dagens Nyheter , which roughly corresponded to the difference between children 's books and adult literature .
6 Baker had previously come under heavy attack in parliament over the escape from Brixton Prison in July of two suspected members of the Irish Republican Army [ see p. 38356 ] , over the introduction of legislation related to dangerous dogs , and over the outbreak of inner-city rioting in August-September [ see p. 38445 ] .
7 As it happens , there is a substantial engine refurbishment contract in the offing which ( although tenders have not yet been invited ) promises to bring someone several tens of millions of pounds in revenue over a period of a few years .
8 Taking advantage of the ebb and flow of state politics and power , Border reivers swept in force over the Border in the company of English refugees who were now their grateful allies .
9 If they win , the Turks say that art dealers and museums will have to exercise far more care in future over the provenance of antiquities they acquire .
10 The probability must be that Ceolwulf and Ecgberht were in accord over the future of the diocese of Hexham and that both approved of Acca 's continued exclusion .
11 This gives judicial support to the view that financial statements have a limited useful life ( of less than 15 months ) and depreciate in usefulness over a period of time .
12 The advantage the nationalist rhetoric and the nation statehood confers is that it is always legitimate , liquidating the nationals of other nation states , particularly in contention over a piece of territory .
13 In LEAs where a scheme of delegation has been in place over a period of years , the question of making more money soon arises .
14 THOSE who care about such things are at present locked in combat over the issue of whether the greatest number of British skiers go to Austria ( which traditionally enjoys the distinction ) or to France ( which is the flavour of the decade ) .
15 High rate of growth The rate of growth is a measure of the increase in output over a period of time .
16 The judge who jailed both father and son for their outburst in court over the sentencing of the man who killed a member of their family showed no compassion .
17 The squabbling in Cabinet over the formula on which the National Government was to fight the election was , in reality , a form of shadow-boxing : for , whatever the formula , it would be interpreted by those who had the power to interpret it , that is , the Conservative and protectionist majority .
18 They remained in control over the means of mass communications but those whose work or views they had long ignored were now clamouring for access .
19 Sites and their related buildings may alternate in use over the years under economic pressure to give the best possible financial return , subject to planning and other restrictions .
20 Split There were two or more correct hypotheses in sequence over the region of the hand-transcribed phoneme .
21 As we saw earlier , the fact that the producing units of an industry increase in size over a number of years may be explained by the functional relation between their size and the cost of production .
22 The fry are born with large black eyes , but these steadily reduce in size over a period of weeks until they are covered with a cartilaginous sheath .
23 Infection by lymphocystis first appears as ‘ Cauliflower ’ -like growths which gradually increase in size over a period of several weeks or months .
24 In fact it has been known since the late 1950s ( see for example Nature , vol. 208 , p 423 ) that Po is widely distributed in the environment , and in man , as a result of atmospheric fall-out of the decay products of natural radon-222 , with an abundance in northern temperate latitudes of about 0.06 curie per sq.km or of the order of 10 6 curies in total over the surface of the world land mass .
25 A bus link between Welshpool and Shrewsbury was in operation over the weekend of 26th-27th January due to construction work on the A5/A49 Shrewsbury bypass .
26 Most important of all , however , in creating a greater understanding of and attachment to the Protestant message was the regular use of the Elizabethan Prayer Book , which appears to have experienced a gradual increase in popularity as its ceremonies grew in familiarity over the course of the queen 's reign .
27 Lawrence , for example , was in Parma in 1820 , in ecstasy over the work of Correggio :
28 The Misses Wynne flew to the window and exclaimed in ecstasy over the view of roof-tops and more roof-tops , and then exclaimed again at their luck in finding somewhere so peaceful and perfect .
29 In the square a Quaker choir was performing , and old men in heavy overcoats were in uproar over a game of chess .
30 We 're also engaged with the European Community in discussion over a bid for funding to develop social work , child protection and alternatives to institutional care and to other child care systems within Romania .
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