Example sentences of "in [noun sg] when he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Esau 's welcome to the brother who had wronged him is so amazingly generous that Jesus may have had him in mind when he told the story of the prodigal son ( see Luke 15:20 ) .
2 Paul has just that transformation in mind when he tells the Ephesians to put off the old self , be made new in the attitudes of their minds , and then put on the new self , ‘ created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness ’ ( Eph. 4:20–4 ) .
3 Dall chose the site and the high-roofed design of the house with the camera obscura in mind when he had the house built in 1934 .
4 If you read his book you will see that what he seems to have had in mind when he coined the phrase about man being " an invention of recent date and one perhaps nearing its end " was something like this .
5 The son of a professor , Boomer became interested in golf when he watched the six-times Open Champion Harry Vardon , whose birthplace he shared , playing in Jersey during the First World War .
6 KEN VENTURI became one of the unluckiest men in golf when he missed the chance to take the Masters as an amateur .
7 A constable need not be in uniform when he effects the arrest ( and calls for the defendant to desist as a preliminary ) , although if an off-duty policeman does attempt to implement the Act , strict conditions should be observed as to what he must do and say to make it plain that he is a constable .
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