Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [prep] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The term ‘ regionalism ’ was itself in vogue in a number of related disciplines , particularly geography and sociology .
2 In a related development the Council had voted on Dec. 15 to continue to apply Czechoslovak federal law in the Czech Republic , but that in case of a conflict between Czech and federal law the former would prevail .
3 After adequate initial dilatation ( 15 mm ) , patients were instructed to attend for follow up at six to eight week intervals , or earlier in case of a recurrence of dysphagia .
4 What was the guard 's first action in case of a failure in the tunnel ?
5 ( 2 ) In case of a dissolution of the partnership , whether as respects all the partners or as respects the assigning partner , the assignee is entitled to receive the share of the partnership assets to which the assigning partner is entitled as between himself and the other partners , and , for the purpose of ascertaining that share , to an account as from the date of the dissolution .
6 Under the Guardianship of Minors Act 1971 , as amended by the Guardianship Act 1973 and the Domestic Proceedings and Magistrates ' Courts Act 1978 , both father and mother are equally entitled to the care and custody of the infant ; and in case of a dispute between them the court must , in coming to a decision , regard only the welfare of the infant .
7 Instead of keeping headcounts up in case of an influx of work , firms are resorting far more to the use of temporary staff .
8 In attempting to return to Afghanistan in 1840 , he became accidentally embroiled in the Baluchistan revolt and was imprisoned by the British authorities without either charge or good reason ( described in Narrative of a Journey to Kalat , 1842 ) .
9 In the universities competitive bidding is to apply to all student places , although the Council has said that institutions will be protected from sudden and drastic cuts in funding as a result of unsuccessful bidding .
10 However in practice deterioration of stock inevitably sets in , through a variety of factors : original errors or omissions in selection ( for the reasons suggested above ) ; poor control of withdrawals and replacements ; fluctuations in funding over a period of years ; fluctuations in demand caused by changes in the constituency , or changes in their needs .
11 Vienna 1773 — in hope of an appointment at court ?
12 At the same time the Americans , like others involved in the Kurdish operation , are crossing their fingers in hope of an agreement between Mr Hussein and the Kurdish leaders negotiating with him in Baghdad .
13 Instead they are interested in building on a range of other products , thus broadening their base .
14 The recent announcement of a link up between the EC and EFTA to create a European Economic Area [ EEA ] by 1993 is likely to have little immediate impact on the proportion of exports destined for these areas , partly because privileged access to each others markets has already been in existence for a number of years between the two trading blocks .
15 Despite the widespread provision of automatic teller machines ( ATMs ) which has now been in existence for a number of years , there is an apparent reluctance in the public to adopt this facility wholeheartedly .
16 CHRIS Balderstone will create history at Lord 's tomorrow when he becomes the first umpire to sit in judgement during a Test in England .
17 He asks a hotelier if he will accept the cheque in payment of a bill for £15 .
18 Locks , or more correctly , ‘ pound locks ’ , are a means of raising a boat over a rise or fall in level by a series of steps .
19 The nickname ‘ Zozimus ’ was acquired in manhood from a character in the ‘ Life of St Mary of Egypt ’ , which he recited in a verse version by Bishop Antony Coyle .
20 Reflecting these last results is the finding that fixed-contract workers tended to have taken their temporary jobs in response to a lack of permanent work , whilst seasonal , temporary or casual workers had done so because they did not want permanent work .
21 The decision was taken in response to a campaign by Greenpeace against the international trade in waste products and in the wake of a scandal involving the illegal importation of hospital waste from Germany [ see ED 62 ] .
22 Henley Forecasting believe that interest in sports activity will experience positive growth over the next few years in response to a rise in income levels and an increasing awareness of the importance of regular exercise in maintaining good health .
23 These criticisms appear in a letter to the Home Office from the Faculty of Information Technology 's Technical Committee , in response to a request for comments on proposed revisions to the Directive .
24 The Regulation enters into force after the European Parliament has debated it , which should be no later than 31 March 1993 , but the Directive is delayed until October in response to a request by the Netherlands , which says that is not ready yet with its internal laws .
25 In response to a request by the Ministry of Post & Telecommunications , Guiraudios said France Telecom has proposed some technical methods to restrict access to Minitel .
26 Menem 's announcement came in response to a request by the World Jewish Congress , some of whose members he had invited to Buenos Aires to witness the signature of the decree .
27 In response to a request by the local Labour party , Stoddards invited Neil Kinnock to visit the factory during the lead up to the two Paisley by-elections in November .
28 In response to a request from a member we ask a named practitioner ( medical or alternative ) if he or she has evidence of efficacy that meets these criteria and , if not , if he or she is obtaining such evidence .
29 Ltd. ( 1960 ) 1 H.K.T.C. 85 the appellants , in response to a request from the owners , sent a tug to salvage a vessel stranded on a foreign island .
30 taken from L. H. Weir , The Tragedy of Ramsay MacDonald , ( 1938 ) Source D " Shortly after the Cabinet dispersed SB went to Downing Street in response to a request from MacDonald .
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