Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [noun] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He kept in with the Soviets in case Moscow ever prevailed in Bucharest — plus the extra money he undoubtedly obtained . ’
2 THOUSANDS of Gaelic football fans in Co Londonderry today scrambled for tickets to next weekend 's All-Ireland Final at Croke Park in Dublin .
3 THOUSANDS of Gaelic football fans in Co Londonderry today scrambled for tickets to next weekend 's All-Ireland Final at Croke Park in Dublin .
4 On Oct. 10 , Fulro guerrillas based in north-east Cambodia formally surrendered to officials from the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees .
5 Much of the responsibility for this will rest with health authorities who will play the key role in demonstration projects recently announced by the Government .
6 The picture , measured by the statistics , has not changed significantly since the Budget a month ago , but consumers who had braced themselves for the biggest cut in living standards ever imposed at a single stroke suddenly find themselves spared .
7 In Coldunell Ltd. v. Gallon the creditors had acted responsibly in that they had taken steps to ensure that the elderly parents received independent legal advice and , as appears from the closing sentence of the extract of Oliver L.J . 's judgment just cited , they were entitled when they received in return documents apparently executed in the presence of such a solicitor to accept those documents and act upon them .
8 In wild , rocky countryside , it is 650 feet long , with a level roadway throughout , over six arches in granite blocks superbly laid without mortar .
9 Conversations in stall rooms frequently centred around the pressures of waiting lists , the burden of heavy caseloads , the ‘ hopeless cases , , the lack of appreciation from management , the absence of support and the inevitability of working countless hours of unpaid overtime , at the expense of our personal lives .
10 A sudden and uncharacteristic decline in school performance possibly combined with the start of truancy .
11 It certainly was n't Foster 's idea of an easy tour , lurking in a cold , draughty doorway in a poorly lit service alley , in weather conditions more suited to a horror movie set .
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