Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [pron] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No they 've been banned from taking them in in case they clobbered anyone with them you see oh they were banned some time ago , as were flags they used to carry flags at one time and rattles , but er they do n't let you take anything in .
2 She kept clear of everybody in the house in case they reminded her of the ill person her uncle had become .
3 But actually ’ — Agnes 's voice became pure Oxford ( the university not the town ) — ‘ that was just Track One was n't it ? — cover in case we noticed anything on Track Two which was a small destabilisation group .
4 I just thought I 'd tell you that in case you needed it in any of your essays .
5 Tony signalled her not to annoy Frank in case he used it as an excuse to follow Terry , but he only seemed amused .
6 I did n't name names in the thing in case anybody saw it in case you
7 She was taking off her hat and coat as she spoke ; then going over to her aunt , she bent down and kissed her on the cheek , and followed this with the same salutation for her uncle ; and in response he patted her on the shoulder .
8 Although , strictly speaking , the bearers were not assigned to individuals and worked as a pool , carrying messages for anybody in the building , in practice they identified themselves with particular people .
9 His ideal was ‘ the complete sympathy of complete detachment ’ , but in practice he distanced himself from his subjects and stressed his severity over the underlying sympathy .
10 Even in disguise I knew her at once , for a truly sensual woman can not disguise herself from my perceptions once I have seen her . ’
11 In imagination she saw herself as a devotee of Bacchus , in the golden world of the Greeks , as these extracts from her poem ‘ The Lost Bacchante ’ reveal .
12 In use I found it to be very acceptable ( to quote Prime Minister Major ) and it ran all the DOS and Windows packages I threw at it — and here 's the rub .
13 In territory she knew nothing of , she stumbled .
14 When Stephen was in hospital they kept us on the same house with all the mothers and babies , even though I had asked to be off it .
15 Afraid and thrown in turmoil he allowed himself to be drawn away , but he could not push that lovely face from his thoughts .
16 A lecturer at a police training college published essays written by officers in training which showed them to be openly racist .
17 I did n't know the surname of the people who 'd taken you , only your first name , Robbie , and so when you turned up in school I thought nothing of it .
18 When we were in port he let me off work and allowed me to go ashore for as long as I wanted : " After all , you 're here to see these places .
19 Whereas in Reine Jean-Claude reminded me of a caged animal , in préfleur he reminded me of something growing in its natural habitat .
20 In fact they had none at all .
21 In fact it doubled itself in size every day .
22 Well in fact it showed it as an outstanding amount .
23 The doctor told me they were strong : in fact he prescribed them for me but it seems more logical to give them to Mum since it 's her that stops me sleeping .
24 Lunch was provided in a cafeteria and tea in a common room — an environment which sounds uncomfortably similar to that of more youthful days , and in fact he signed himself in one letter as " Advanced Student " .
25 In fact he knew nothing of importance about her at all .
26 There was no sense in which he " slowed down " , however , and in fact he compared himself to a travelling Sherlock Holmes .
27 In fact I knew nothing of his family life — only that he came from the poorest part of the town , a row of " yards " containing tumbledown cottages , some of them evacuated because of their condition .
28 In fact I knew her for a tough-minded young woman with feminist leanings and rather more interest in student politics than would be helpful in her academic work .
29 In fact I had it for six months and I never did plug it into an amplifier ; I just used it in the dressing room . ’
30 In fact I had it in mind that she might be trained up to one of the women 's auxiliary services which justified themselves so splendidly in the last war — the WRENS , I mean , of course .
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