Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun sg] for [det] time " in BNC.

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1 However , it claims DEC missed an opportunity to ship revenue units based on the 4000 since January and believes the 150MHz Alphas likely to be announced November 10 will be in short supply for some time .
2 Elliott began to take things easy and Reveille Boy , who had been in hot pursuit for some time , reduced the gap .
3 They had been paddling in tension-filled silence for some time when he spoke .
4 Yet the earliest known usage of ‘ South Saxons ’ does not appear until a royal charter of 689 names them and their king , Northelm , although the term may well have been in common use for some time before that .
5 In fact , as the THES noted at the time , the dispute leading to this crisis had been simmering in relative privacy for some time .
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