Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] with a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He could n't remember the transition from sofa to bed , but he must have made it because he woke up there in total darkness with a headache and a blocked nose and a sense that something was not quite right .
2 However , in private conversation with a friend , Aage Petersen , he went further and declared
3 Each Rolex watch is a celebration of skilled craftsmanship , a creation combining the foremost in technical knowledge with a design that is unparalleled for style and strength .
4 Ellerman & Bucknall rounded off Canberra 's stay in memorable style with a brass band , drum majorettes and a pipe band performing as the ship left the quay .
5 According to Nicholas Clee , from the bookseller J Whitaker and Sons in London , any writer planning to embark on such a book would be advised to create a family living in rural bliss with a gaggle of children then land them in a crisis , preferably involving the central character in an affair with an older/younger man/woman .
6 Extension experience of rainfed crops in Sahelian areas with a focus on farm mechanisation , irrigation and animal traction .
7 There were only two easy chairs , one set on each side of the fireplace ; a compact brown chair in torn leather with a patchwork cushion , and a grubby , more modern chair with fitted pads .
8 So confident is BMW of its fuel efficiency and smoothness that fifth gear is now direct drive instead of an overdrive , an interesting move that adds flexibility to performance when pressing on , and the ability to trickle along and pull away in high gear with a minimum of protest .
9 For this to arise an increase in social complexity with a need for analytical flexibility in contact with diverse persons of other cultures was necessary .
10 LIFFE launched an ECU bond contract in March 1991 , in direct competition with a contract with slightly different specifications that the MATIF had launched in October 1990 .
11 Thus to the expository lesson , the period of exercise and drill , the set readings from the class textbook , the tests of memory and comprehension , and all the other useful ploys of the good teacher , have now been added sessions when the student is placed in direct confrontation with a variety of information sources , print.form , audio visual and three-dimensional , in small groups or on his own , in a situation which requires his active involvement and which can to a greater or lesser extent be tailored to meet his individual needs .
12 Linnet had attended the wedding , of course , looking exquisite in dove-grey velvet with a swansdown hat and muff , her face calm and remote , betraying not the least flicker of anything which anyone could call unbecoming , even when she saw the bride , thin as a stick and hideously sallow , led to the altar dripping pearls and diamonds and a London-made gown with a train half a cathedral-aisle long .
13 The handle is modelled in the round with a man engaged in sexual intercourse with a woman who is positioned on the shoulders of a kneeling figure .
14 Ragamuffin style : these felt hats come in different colours with a variety of sewn-on shapes and are £47 from Rap , 60 Neal St , London WC2 .
15 There were bookcases of dark oak and a solitary shelf for Zelah 's own books ; nine titles in different editions with a sprinkling of foreign imprints .
16 Attractive posters have been supplied by the organisers — please get them displayed in public areas with a request to sponsor yourself or a Medau member ( other classes in an Institute/Hall/Club could be very fruitful ) .
17 In the field of British official publications , the Ford list of British parliamentary papers , and earlier volumes in the series , have aimed to provide those studying changes in public policy with a guide to the relevant HMSO publications .
18 Rehearsing Kurt Weill 's Street Scene , I am in daily contact with a composer who was not embarrassed to entertain , nor to adapt his vision to the audience .
19 Joe Cotter complained that some 50 per cent of men taking classes in British ports with a view to becoming ships ' cooks early in 1914 were Chinamen .
20 When a certain degree of proficiency has been reached , a student takes part in free fighting with a partner .
21 I like to sprinkle them over miniature salads and , mixed with fromage frais , either stuffed into small peaches or rolled up in smoked salmon with a tarragon aspic .
22 In contemporary music with a jazz , rock or ‘ ethnic ’ feel , drum kits and other collections like bongos and tom-toms reinforce the beat and articulate rhythmic patterns .
23 In a drama about workhouse conditions in Victorian times with a class of second-year secondary girls ( 13+ ) , the ‘ status ’ structure was employed when the girls , in role as inmates , were interviewed by staff whose attitude at best was indifference ( p. 117 ) .
24 Six US warships were stationed off the Liberian coast in early June with a contingent of 2,000 marines , officially to safeguard US citizens and installations , and if necessary to assist the evacuation of remaining US diplomatic staff and civilians .
25 Finally , after delays due to construction , Thomas Rehbein 's gallery at Wormserstrasse 21 will open in early June with a group show of landscapes , still-lifes , portraits and figurative works by painters Peter Duka , Caroline Bitterman , Leif Trenkler , Alice Stefanek , Steven Maslin , Roberto Cabot , Ulrike Hullmann and Thomas Kocheisen .
26 In the mid 1970s , for example , the police fell out with a number of crime reporters and charged them in separate proceedings with a variety of criminal offences .
27 Clapham is an ancient settlement with roots in Saxon times and the mellowed stones of its buildings blend in perfect harmony with a background of limestone scars and lovely woodlands .
28 There are three apartments available , appointed in simple style with a sprinkling of original Umbrian peasant furniture .
29 If things had happened differently he , Lewis , would be living in a house like this or in a flat in central London with a cottage in the country as well .
30 ST JOHN the Baptist Parish , Timperley , finished October off in fine style with a variety concert and dance at Christ Church parish hall , with dancing to the Innisfree Band .
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