Example sentences of "in [art] two [noun pl] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , since each has the same ancestry , their constitutional difference must trace to the cumulative influence of different conditions in the two lines of descent from those ancestors .
2 In the two cases of reobstruction , the pattern mimicked the previous stricture , suggesting that the radial force exerted by the mesh on the wall may have led to deeper embedding of the mesh where the stricture was tight or may have provoked more important hyperplasia , or both .
3 SIR , — I was interested in the two case-reports of Dr Luman and Dr Grey ( April 24 , p 1091 ) .
4 A multitude of particular inter-related notions about women may be identified as shaping research and theory in all areas of sociology , but a general set of axioms is responsible for the place of women in the two areas of family and marriage , and industry and work .
5 But , in the two areas of labour rights and educational control , it is not at all certain that the temporary reversal of constitutional guarantees has ever been restored .
6 Although there have been attempts to assess penetrance in the two phenotypes of Gardner and simple polyposis that have shown low penetrance , these have relied on the expression of cancer or the extraintestinal features .
7 Figure 3 and 4 show the pressure profiles of the anal sphincter before and after operation in the two groups of patients .
8 Antral gastrin and somatostatin cell densities and fasting serum gastrin concentrations were similar in the two groups of patients with Zollinger-Ellison sydrome .
9 The extent to which the organisational changes affected referral patterns was first investigated by looking at the proportion of referrals which crossed district boundaries before and after the implementation of the reforms in the two groups of practices ( table II ) .
10 The distribution of referrals to each individual specialty was very similar in the two groups of practices .
11 The increased likelihood of referral occurred among both male and female patients in the two groups of practices , although female patients between the ages of 5–24 and 45–74 in fundholding practices were slightly less likely to be referred in the second phase of the study than in the first ( table IV ) .
12 More than 125 people lived in the two blocks of flats , the Press Trust of India reported .
13 A Friedman non-parametric analysis of variance and subsequent analysis with the Wilcoxon signed rank test of the number of missing entries for each patient for each type of diary showed that more sessions were missed in the evening than in the morning for both the written ( p<0.05 ) and electronic diaries ( p<0.001 ) , but differences for neither evening nor morning in the two forms of record keeping were significant .
14 He spoke lightly , amusement in his eyes , but there was no response in the two pairs of eyes that stared back at him stonily .
15 It was hard for Sophie to face the kindly accusation in the two pairs of eyes gazing at her .
16 There has of course been some criticism in the books of the decision in Stilk v. Myrick which is somewhat differently reported in the two sets of reports , but Campbell 's reports have the better reputation and what I have referred to as being the law on this point is referred to as ‘ the present ’ rule in Chitty on Contracts : see , also , Cheshire and Fifoot .
17 For all countries the ten-year difference in the two sets of pyramids demonstrates how the excess births of one generation moves through the population , creating a successive need for new schools , jobs , houses and , ultimately , pensions .
18 In this case , the important aspect of a state is what is in the two sets of properties .
19 There are altogether thirty instances of this in the two sets of interviews , resulting from three different situations which occurred almost equally commonly : need for housing space , death , or desertion .
20 Indeed , the differences in ideology between the USA and the USSR are often said to result in the two sets of decision-makers seeing different worlds .
21 These will include the relative gravity of the offences alleged in the two sets of proceedings ; the degree of connection , on facts or law , between them ; the degree of prejudice which the defendant may suffer , in the shape of adverse publicity or in other respects , if the lesser matters are brought to trial first ; the likely time-spans of the two sets of proceedings ; the possibility of hardship to the defendant in being required to divert attention and resources to the defence of the lesser charges whilst the graver are in preparation ; the risk that if the lesser charges are postponed the lapse of time may render a fair trial of them more difficult ; the desirability in the public interest of ensuring that charges properly brought are pressed to a conclusion .
22 Another possible source of the difference in the two sets of data concerns gender .
23 Where George Eliot tends simply to employ terms from painting in the description of her great houses , Henry James , for whom they have retreated a stage further , actually presents them in the two dimensions of paint .
24 In the two floors of wards , the single and four-bed wards are coupled around toilet and bathroom facilities .
25 Also , by using the C-C coupling constants , Hawkins et al have managed to calculate the percentage s character in the two types of C-C bonds , which confirm the football structure for C60 .
26 British-born speakers respond to the difference between these by showing differential language behaviour in the two types of talk .
27 In Benin , for example , infant mortality was more than three times higher in rural areas than in the major city , whereas in Sudan , levels in the two types of places were similar .
28 Are there any links between the increases in the two types of reporting ?
29 d ) If while the aircraft is turning in one direction the pilot moves his head in another , perhaps to select a switch or alter a setting , the stimulation of the balance mechanism of the ears , in the two planes of rotation at the same time , can produce a spontaneous stimulation of the balance mechanism in a third plane of rotation , with completely confusing messages being then sent to the brain .
30 A decision on the bill 's constitutionality had still to be made ; in the meantime different legislation would continue to apply in the two parts of Germany .
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